SUSECon 2015 - SLERT demo
- switch off HT in BIOS
- install RT kernel
- install osciloscope
zypper ar -f lpechacek-sle12
zypper in
oscilloscope ignore the missing python-ethtool dependency for tuna - cpupower -c all frequency-set -g performance
- select two physically separate CPUs to run message processor and network receiver processes
- cset shield --kthread=on --cpu=X-Y
- modprobe hwlat_detector enabled=1 threshold=10 to check hardware with latency detector, see results in /sys/kernel/debug/hwlat_detector/count and /sys/kernel/debug/hwlat_detector/sample
- optionally also check with cyclictest
- see for more details
- ./ X Y | tee /dev/shm/test-results Ctrl-C to stop after the test
- for i in $(seq 1 20); do ~/slert-demo-15/network-sender -n 50 <the_host>; sleep .5; done on another machine to send 20 batches of 50 messages to the demo system
- oscilloscope -nm 50 < /dev/shm/test-results to replay the results
- supply -c option to; it runs noise-maker on the same CPU as message-processor and instructs message-processor to perform additional operations on a file shared with noise-maker as part of the processing