This is the artifact of the AAAI 2025 paper "LATTE: Improving Latex Recognition for Tables and Formulae with Iterative Refinement".
- Python 3.10.12
- PyTorch 2.1.1
- transformers 4.35.2
- pdflatex
- ImageMagick
- results: We open-source Latte's generation and refinement results on both formulae and tables datasets.
- formula
- Latte_1.json: Latte's generation results and evaluation on IMG2LATEX-100K
- Latte_2.json: Latte's first round of refinement results and evaluation on IMG2LATEX-100K
- Latte_3.json: Latte's second round of refinement results and evaluation on IMG2LATEX-100K
- Latte_4.json: Latte's third round of refinement results and evaluation on IMG2LATEX-100K
- table
- Latte_1.json: Latte's generation results and evaluation on TAB2LATEX
- Latte_2.json: Latte's first round of refinement results and evaluation on TAB2LATEX
- Latte_3.json: Latte's second round of refinement results and evaluation on TAB2LATEX
- Latte_4.json: Latte's third round of refinement results and evaluation on TAB2LATEX
- formula
- tab2latex: The TAB2LATEX dataset we collected for end-to-end LaTeX table recognition, filling the blank of missing such a dataset. We hope this dataset can benefit the future exploration of LaTeX table recognition.
- train.jsonl: Training data of TAB2LATEX
- validate.jsonl: Validating data of TAB2LATEX
- test.jsonl: Testing data of TAB2LATEX
- im2latex: The IMG2LATEX-100K dataset for end-to-end LaTeX formula recognition.
- train.jsonl: Training data of IMG2LATEX-100K
- validate.jsonl: Validating data of IMG2LATEX-100K
- test.jsonl: Testing data of IMG2LATEX-100K
For formular recognition using im2latex-100k, run:
cd src/data
# Rendering test data in im2latex
python --filename ../../im2latex/test.jsonl --output_dir ../../im2latex/test/ --image_width 1344 --image_height 224 --dpi 240 --base_tmp_dir /tmp/ --pad
# Rendering validation data in im2latex
python --filename ../../im2latex/validate.jsonl --output_dir ../../im2latex/validte/ --image_width 1344 --image_height 224 --dpi 240 --base_tmp_dir /tmp/ --pad
# Rendering training data in im2latex
python --filename ../../im2latex/train.jsonl --output_dir ../../im2latex/train/ --image_width 1344 --image_height 224 --dpi 240 --base_tmp_dir /tmp/ --pad
For table recognition using tab2latex, run:
cd src/data
# Rendering test data in tab2latex
python --filename ../../tab2latex/test.jsonl --output_dir ../../tab2latex/test/ --image_width 1344 --image_height 672 --dpi 160 --base_tmp_dir /tmp/ --pad
# Rendering validation data in tab2latex
python --filename ../../tab2latex/validate.jsonl --output_dir ../../tab2latex/validte/ --image_width 1344 --image_height 672 --dpi 160 --base_tmp_dir /tmp/ --pad
# Rendering training data in tab2latex
python --filename ../../tab2latex/train.jsonl --output_dir ../../tab2latex/train/ --image_width 1344 --image_height 672 --dpi 160 --base_tmp_dir /tmp/ --pad
To train formula generation model, run:
cd src/generation
deepspeed --num_gpus=4
# Convert deepspeed checkpoints to huggingface checkpoints if you use zero0, zero1 or zero2. Using the script provided by deepspeed if you use zero3.
python --ckpt_dir ../../models/ds_ckpts/global_stepXXX/ --output_dir ../../models/formula-generation --image_width 1344 --image_height 224
To train table generation model, run:
cd src/generation
deepspeed --num_gpus=4
# Convert deepspeed checkpoints to huggingface checkpoints if you use zero0, zero1 or zero2. Using the script provided by deepspeed if you use zero3.
python --ckpt_dir ../../models/ds_ckpts/global_stepXXX/ --output_dir ../../models/table-generation --image_width 1344 --image_height 672
To inference the formula generation model, run:
cd src/generation
python --model_path ../../models/formula-generation --input_path ../../im2latex/test.jsonl --image_dir ../../im2latex/test/ --output_path ../../results/formula/Latte_1.json
To inference the table generation model, run:
cd src/generation
python --model_path ../../models/table-generation --input_path ../../tab2latex/test.jsonl --image_dir ../../tab2latex/test/ --output_path ../../results/table/Latte_1.json