This template is built upon one provided by the CSE chair @TUM in 2016. Though I am not familiar with the original owner, I owe them much of the credit for this work. The original publisher of this document for CSE was Yoshiyuki Sakai.
Note: if you prefer not to use minted (due to usability or preference), the package can of course be removed by commenting these lines of code with a % symbol and removing the minted example here. The listings package can be used by uncommenting here.
To create your thesis pdf, run:
latexmk --pdf -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape main.tex
Your compiled document will be found in the base project directory under main.pdf.
Note for IDE: If you are using an IDE, you may be able to specify the -shell-escape
flag in its settings or to specify an option specific to your builder in the main.tex
file. For example, this is known to work for the latex-tools package for Atom and Sublime:
% !TEX option = -shell-escape
Currently, this template compiles successfully with:
- LaTeX (pdflatex)
- XeLaTeX
- LuaLaTeX
In case you want to mix more than one languages (e.g. english and german), using XeLaTeX (instead of LaTeX + Babel) is highly recommended.
A great resource for learning LaTeX can be found here and is a great starting point for beginners.
The idea of this project is to help all students of the TUM during the challenging time of their master's thesis. To this end please give back to the project by contributing features and changes you think can help others. To do so simply open a merge request.