Check demo gif
Expo project template with the following features:
- Full TypeScript integration
- Prettier and Eslint configured
- Light and Dark theme support with styled-components
- React Navigation with initial structure to get started
- Storybook integrated with components and screens
- Hygen for generating new components and screens
- @testing-library/react-native with testing examples
- i18n integration
- React Query with initial data structure and examples integrated with Rick and Morty API
- Initial components structure integrated with storybook
- Initial screens structure integrated with storybook and tests
expo init --template @rocali/expo-ts-rest-template MyApp
- start
yarn start
- run on web
yarn web
- run on ios
yarn ios
- run on android
yarn android
- compile typescript
yarn ts
- lint
yarn lf
- run tests
yarn t
- ci (lint, typescript and tests)
yarn ci
- create new component
yarn new-comp NAME
- create new screen
yarn new-screen NAME
- add screen or component to storybook
yarn sbl