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AMQP agent for dispatching emails based on certain events

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Running the tests

You use poetry and pytest to run the tests:

poetry run pytest -s

You can also run specific files

poetry run pytest tests/<test_folder>/<>

and even use filtering with -k

poetry run pytest -k "Manager"

You can use the flags -vx where v prints the test & x makes the test stop if any tests fails (Verbose, X-fail)

You can get the coverage report like this:

poetry run pytest -s --cov --cov-report term-missing -vvx

Updating the auto-generated grapqhql client

You can update the auto-generated graphql client code like this:

poetry run ariadne-codegen

The only thing which the code generator needs is a query in queries.graphql.

Using the app

First make sure that OS2mo is up and running.

You can then boot the app like this:

poetry lock
poetry install
docker-compose up

inspecting emails using smtp4dev

In the development environment we use a mailserver called mailcatcher. To use it, go to localhost:1080 to inspect mails which would be sent out by the application if this was a production environment.

Adding agents

To add an email agent, write a function in The function should be able to:

  • Receive an AMQP message
  • Process the message
  • Send an email

Then activate the agent by adding the function name along with the amqp topic to the active_agents config list variable. For example:

ACTIVE_AGENTS = ["agent_1", "agent_2"]

Means that there are two active agents: agent_1 and agent_2.

Testing the email functionality

To test the email-functionality: Run the following curl command to send an email to yourself

curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:8000/send_test_email?'

Where you replace ini with your own initials. Note that %40 in the curl command translates to @.


AMQP agent for dispatching emails based on certain events







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