Many thanks to Stan for making the base that I built off of. Without his work, this hack wouldn't exist.
Run make
Include MGW.event, and the MGWText Table
In the ChapterData Table, change the GoalWindowInfo
cell of a chapter to match the template index you want. Template indexes can be viewed in MGW.event
The MGWText table allows you to decide what text displays per chapter. NOTE: The MGWText table does not override the vanilla templates' choices of text. They currently need to be changed through the ChapterData table like normal.
To change what icon to display (If the template is configured to display one), use the SetMGWIcon
ASMC like so:
SVAL 0x1 ItemIconID
You can edit or add templates in src/ModularGoalWindow.c (Some C hacking knowledge is recommended)
- Simple two line display.
- Gold display.
- Gold and turn count display.
- Enemies remaining and turns left display.
- Make a table to change displayed text by chapter. DONE
- Add a timer template (Along with a time based event trigger to match).
- Figure out a way to dynamically change the icon palette.
- Optimize and improve the implementation.