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Documentation for High-Performance LINPACK testing for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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High-Performance LINPACK Tutorial


This document details how to setup and run a simple High-Performance LINPACK (HPL) test on a set of nodes in order to measure performance, specifically, its rate of execution of floating-point operations, by using the nodes to solve a large linear system. This tutorial is tailored to the computing environment (Intel architecture, Scientific Linux 7) in the HPCS division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the time of this writing, but the majority can be applied elsewhere. View the sample files for examples.

Version 1 - April 18th, 2018

Table of Contents

  1. Loading Modules
  2. Compiling the Test
  3. Gathering Parameters
  4. Editing HPL.dat
  5. Creating a Node List
  6. Running the Test
  7. Interpreting Output
  8. Example

1. Loading Modules

Login to one of the nodes in the cluster being tested.

HPL requires various libraries to run. In particular, a message passing interface and a math kernel library are necessary. In our case, at the time of this writing, each node runs Scientific Linux 7, which contains the requisite libraries, so run the following commands to load the packages and environment variables needed for compilation:

module load intel/2018.1.163
module load openmpi/2.0.2-intel
module load mkl/2018.1.163

You may need to run these each time you login to a node. These packages will need to be loaded in each node on which HPL runs, so add these lines to your ~/.bashrc file.

2. Compiling the Test

Navigate to Download and extract hpl-2.2.tar.gz.

In hpl-2.2/setup, there are several predefined defaults for various architectures that may be useful. Copy hpl-2.2/setup/Make.Linux_Intel64 to hpl-2.2 and rename it Make.intel64.

Make the following changes to Make.intel64:

  • Change ARCH from Linux_Intel64 to $(arch). This will require you to pass in the desired architecture (intel64) when running the make command.
  • Change TOPdir from $(HOME)/hpl to the absolute path to your hpl-2.2 directory.
  • In LAlib, change libmkl_intel_thread.a to libmkl_sequential.a.
  • Change CC from mpiicc to mpicc.
  • Change OMP_DEFS from -openmp to -qopenmp.

In hpl-2.2, compile the program by running:

make arch=intel64

If compilation succeeds, the directory hpl-2.2/bin/intel64 should now exist. In it you will find the files HPL.dat and xhpl. At this point, you require only these two files; that is, you can copy and run them from anywhere.

3. Gathering Parameters

We next need to acquire basic information about the nodes being tested. In particular, we will require the number of nodes the test will be run on, the number of cores per node, the speed of each core, the amount of memory each node has, and the instructions per cycle.

Login to one of the nodes in the cluster being tested.

Number of Nodes

This value will be the only one to vary between multiple tests on the same cluster. Suppose your cluster has 100 nodes. We would begin by running the test on a single node, and then repeatedly scaling up by a factor of 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. Finally, we would run the test on all 100 nodes. You may scale as you’d like, but using this method, you should see an approximately linear increase in your output.

Cores Per Node

lscpu | grep "CPU(s)"

Record the value corresponding to CPU(s).

Speed Per Core

lscpu | grep "GHz"

Record the number of GHz in the value corresponding to Model name.

Memory Per Node

cat /proc/meminfo | grep "MemTotal"

Record the value corresponding to MemTotal, rounded down to the closest well-known multiple of 2 (e.g. 214477800 KB becomes 192000000 KB = 192 GB).

Instructions Per Cycle

This value, 16 or 32, is machine-dependent. Look online for the correct value pertaining to the particular CPU (found under Model name when determining the Speed Per Core above). For example, Google searches reveal that the Intel X5550 (Nehalem) runs at 4 instructions per cycle and the Intel E5-2670 (Sandy Bridge) runs at 8 instructions per cycle.

Navigate to Input the values you found above. Click on “More Details (Running HPL)”. Here you will find the parameters for your test.

Note that behavior is unclear when nodes being tested have different parameters.

4. Editing HPL.dat

We now need to edit HPL.dat. In particular, we will change the lines labeled Ns, NBs, Ps, and Qs.

Look back at the results of the HPL Calculator. In the bottommost table, we find various “problem sizes”, which vary with N and NB, where N is the order of the coefficient matrix A being solved, and NB is the partitioning block factor. In general, and for the sake of this tutorial, N = 90% and NB = 192 tend to be good choices. Find the value corresponding to these in the table. In HPL.dat, set Ns to be that value and set NBs to 192.

P and Q correspond to the number of process rows and columns, respectively. We want P and Q to be approximately equal, with Q slightly larger than P. Compute the square root of the product of the number of nodes and the number of cores per node. Choose P and Q as close to this value as possible. Set Ps and Qs in HPL.dat.

See the example for sample values.

5. Creating a Node List

Create a file to contain the list of nodes to be included in the test. List each node on a separate line, with the number of cores it has listed next to it, denoted by slots=.

Consider a hypothetical cluster of 5 nodes denoted by n000i.cluster_name, where each has n cores. Then should contain:

n0000.cluster_name slots=n
n0001.cluster_name slots=n
n0002.cluster_name slots=n
n0003.cluster_name slots=n
n0004.cluster_name slots=n

See the example for sample node lists.

6. Running the Test

We are now ready to run the test. Ensure that the above modules are loaded.

The following command runs the test on the single node you are logged into, where PQ should be replaced by the integer product of P and Q.

mpirun -np PQ ./xhpl

The following command runs the test on a set of nodes specified by a node list.

mpirun -np PQ -hostfile ./xhpl

We can also run these tests in the background, piping the output to an output file.

mpirun -np PQ ./xhpl > output.out &
mpirun -np PQ -hostfile ./xhpl > output.out &

Periodically check the progress of a test running in the background using:

tail -f output.out

See the example for sample commands.

7. Interpreting Output

Once the test is complete, the output should end in a similar fashion to below:

Column=000082944 Fraction=98.9% Gflops=3.657e+02
Column=000083136 Fraction=99.1% Gflops=3.657e+02
Column=000083328 Fraction=99.3% Gflops=3.657e+02
Column=000083520 Fraction=99.5% Gflops=3.657e+02
Column=000083712 Fraction=99.8% Gflops=3.657e+02
T/V                N    NB     P     Q               Time                 Gflops
WR00C2R4       83904   192     2     4            2310.54              1.704e+02
HPL_pdgesv() start time Wed Jan 10 16:14:13 2018

HPL_pdgesv() end time   Wed Jan 10 16:32:11 2018

Max aggregated wall time rfact . . . :              12.46
+ Max aggregated wall time pfact . . :               4.40
+ Max aggregated wall time mxswp . . :               2.89
Max aggregated wall time update  . . :            2237.35
+ Max aggregated wall time laswp . . :              54.98
Max aggregated wall time up tr sv  . :               1.16
||Ax-b||_oo/(eps*(||A||_oo*||x||_oo+||b||_oo)*N)=        0.0015945 ...... PASSED

Finished      1 tests with the following results:
              1 tests completed and passed residual checks,
              0 tests completed and failed residual checks,
              0 tests skipped because of illegal input values.

End of Tests.

Record the following values, which will give you the beginning of an idea as to how well your system is performing.


The rate of execution labeled Gflops in the last line before the test completed. E.g.:

Column=000083712 Fraction=99.8% Gflops=3.657e+02


The time in seconds to solve the linear system, labeled Time in the final result. E.g.:

T/V                N    NB     P     Q               Time                 Gflops
WR00C2R4       83904   192     2     4            2310.54              1.704e+02

WR Number

The rate of execution for solving the linear system, labeled Gflops in the final result. E.g.:

T/V                N    NB     P     Q               Time                 Gflops
WR00C2R4       83904   192     2     4            2310.54              1.704e+02

Gflop/s Per Node

The rate of execution for solving the linear system, averaged across all nodes used in the test. E.g.:

gflops_per_node = wr_number / number_of_nodes

Theoretical RPeak

The theoretical maximum performance, in Glop/s, achievable by the set of nodes, is, in the simplest case, given by the formula below. It can also be found in the results of the HPL Calculator, under 100% (RPeak).

RPeak = number_of_nodes * cores_per_node * speed_per_core * instructions_per_cycle

For example, the Theoretical RPeak for a set of 4 nodes, each with 64 cores running at 3.0 GHz and 16 instructions per cycle, is given by:

RPeak = 4 * 64 * 3 * 16 = 12288

This may differ in the presence of additional factors: Advanced Vector Extensions, wherein some instructions may span more than one clock cycle; turbo; etc.

Record these results, as well as the parameters used in running the test.

See the example for sample output.

8. Example

See the sample files pertaining to this example.

Suppose we wish to run HPL on n0[175-183].etna0. We login to one of the nodes being tested. Using lscpu and cat /proc/meminfo, we find that each has Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2623 v3 @ 3.00GHz. There are 9 nodes, each with 64 GB of memory and 8 cores running at 3.00 GHz and 16 instructions per cycle.

We begin by running the test on a single node, and then repeatedly scale up by a factor of 2 while possible: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9. In total, in this case, we run 5 tests.

One Node

Inserting the parameters into the HPL Calculator reveals that Ps = 2, Qs = 4, Ns = 83328, NBs = 192, each of which we set in HPL.dat.

For the single node case, a node list is unnecessary, so we run:

mpirun -np 8 ./xhpl

The relevant excerpt of the output is below:

Column=000083712 Fraction=99.8% Gflops=3.657e+02
T/V                N    NB     P     Q               Time                 Gflops
WR00C2R4       83904   192     2     4            2310.54              1.704e+02

The Theoretical RPeak is 384.

Two Nodes

Inserting the parameters into the HPL Calculator reveals that Ps = 4, Qs = 4, Ns = 118848, NBs = 192, each of which we set in HPL.dat.

For multiple nodes, a node list is necessary:

n0175.etna0 slots=8
n0176.etna0 slots=8

We run:

mpirun -np 16 -hostfile nodelist_n0[175-176] ./xhpl

The relevant excerpt of the output is below:

Column=000118656 Fraction=99.8% Gflops=7.296e+02
T/V                N    NB     P     Q               Time                 Gflops
WR00C2R4      118848   192     4     4            3839.37              2.915e+02

The Theoretical RPeak is 768.

More Nodes

We repeat this process for 4, 8, and 9 nodes.

Recording Output

We record output in a spreadsheet, as below:

n0[175-183].etna0 [Nodes: 9 | Cores/Node: 8 | Speed: 3.0GHz | Memory/Node: 64GB | Instructions/Cycle: 16]
Date        # Nodes    P * Q    P    Q    N (Problem Size)    NB (Block Size)    Progress (Gflops)    WR (Gflops)    Time       Gflops/Node    Theoretical RPeak    Command
01/08/18    1          8        2    4    83904               192                3.66E+02             1.70E+02       2310.54    170.4          384                  mpirun -np 8 ./xhpl
01/08/18    2          16       4    4    118848              192                7.30E+02             2.92E+02       3839.37    145.75         768                  mpirun -np 16 -hostfile nodelist_n0[175-176] ./xhpl
01/12/18    4          32       4    8    166656              192                1.47E+03             6.34E+02       4867.8     1.58E+02       1536                 mpirun -np 32 -hostfile nodelist_n0[175-178] ./xhpl
01/12/18    8          64       8    8    235776              192                2.90E+03             1.16E+03       7537.68    1.45E+02       3072                 mpirun -np 64 -hostfile nodelist_n0[175-182] ./xhpl
01/14/18    9          72       8    9    250176              192                3.23E+03             1.29E+03       8100.32    1.43E+02       3456                 mpirun -np 72 -hostfile nodelist_n0[175-183] ./xhpl


Documentation for High-Performance LINPACK testing for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.






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