Framework for 2584 (C++ 11)
To make the sample program:
make # see makefile for details
To run the sample program:
./2584 # by default the program runs 1000 games
To specify the total games to run:
./2584 --total=100000
To display the statistic every 1000 episodes:
./2584 --total=100000 --block=1000 --limit=1000
To specify the total games to run, and seed the environment:
./2584 --total=100000 --evil="seed=12345" # need to inherit from random_agent
To save the statistic result to a file:
./2584 --save=stat.txt
To load and review the statistic result from a file:
./2584 --load=stat.txt
To initialize the network, train the network for 100000 games, and save the weights to a file:
./2584 --total=100000 --block=1000 --limit=1000 --play="init save=weights.bin" # need to inherit from weight_agent
To load the weights from a file, train the network for 100000 games, and save the weights:
./2584 --total=100000 --block=1000 --limit=1000 --play="load=weights.bin save=weights.bin" # need to inherit from weight_agent
To train the network for 1000 games, with a specific learning rate:
./2584 --total=1000 --play="init alpha=0.0025" # need to inherit from weight_agent
To load the weights from a file, test the network for 1000 games, and save the statistic:
./2584 --total=1000 --play="load=weights.bin alpha=0" --save="stat.txt" # need to inherit from weight_agent
To perform a long training with periodic evaluations and network snapshots:
./2584 --total=0 --play="init save=weights.bin" # generate a clean network
for i in {1..100}; do
./2584 --total=100000 --block=1000 --limit=1000 --play="load=weights.bin save=weights.bin alpha=0.0025" | tee -a train.log
./2584 --total=1000 --play="load=weights.bin alpha=0" --save="stat.txt"
tar zcvf weights.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).tar.gz weights.bin train.log stat.txt
Computer Games and Intelligence (CGI) Lab, NYCU, Taiwan