Created by Matthew Brown 2016
The application should meet the following criteria:
- Clicking on skiing or snowboarding increases the score for that choice
- The UI of the app should be a stateless React component
- State in the app should be handled by implementing a Flux architecture, using the Redux library
- Source code should be provided as a Git repository, and include a Docker container which will allow me to spin up the application and access it in my browser
- It doesn't need to persist any data, but if data persistence was included in the app that would get bonus points!
This app has been built based heavily on the React / Redux examples.
The dockerfile is about as simple as simple can be.
- This is not performant - it's the simplest React / Redux interaction using stores and subscriptions.
- This is not performant - it's serving from react-scripts, for production this would want to be built.
A docker build against the Dockerfile in the root of the repository will create a container. You do not have to have performed an npm install - docker build should do that for you!
Connecting to this container on the associated port with your web browser will serve the page.
There is data persistence from the redis-storage library, but only to localStorage (if you refresh the page, your votes will persist)