This package provides algorithms to solve autonomous Generalized Differential Riccati Equations (GDRE)
More specifically:
- Dense Rosenbrock methods of orders 1 to 4
- Low-rank symmetric indefinite (LRSIF) Rosenbrock methods of order 1 and 2,
$X = LDL^T$
In the latter case, the (generalized) Lyapunov equations arizing in the Rosenbrock stages are solved using a LRSIF formulation of the Alternating-Direction Implicit (ADI) method, as described by LangEtAl2015. The ADI uses the self-generating parameters described by Kuerschner2016.
Warning The low-rank 2nd order Rosenbrock method suffers from the same problems as described by LangEtAl2015.
The user interface hooks into CommonSolve.jl by providing the GDREProblem
problem type
as well as the Ros1
, Ros2
, Ros3
, and Ros4
solver types.
The package can be installed from Julia's REPL:
pkg> add DifferentialRiccatiEquations
To run the following demos, you further need the following packages and standard libraries:
pkg> add LinearAlgebra MAT SparseArrays UnPack
What follows is a slightly more hands-on version of test/rail.jl
Please refer to the latter for missing details.
The easiest setting is perhaps the dense one,
i.e. the system matrices E
, A
, B
, and C
as well as the solution trajectory X
are dense.
First, load the system matrices from e.g. test/Rail371.mat
(see License section below)
and define the problem parameters.
using DifferentialRiccatiEquations
using LinearAlgebra
using MAT, UnPack
P = matread("Rail371.mat")
@unpack E, A, B, C, X0 = P
tspan = (4500., 0.) # backwards in time
Then, instantiate the GDRE and call solve
on it.
prob = GDREProblem(E, A, B, C, X0, tspan)
sol = solve(prob, Ros1(); dt=-100)
The trajectories
sol.X # X(t)
sol.K # K(t) := B^T X(t) E
sol.t # discretization points
By default, the state tspan
as one is mostly interested only in the feedback matrices save_state=true
to solve
sol_full = solve(prob, Ros1(); dt=-100, save_state=true)
Continuing from the dense setup,
assemble a low-rank variant of the initial value,
using SparseArrays
q = size(C, 1)
L = E \ C'
D = sparse(0.01I(q))
X0_lr = LDLᵀ(L, D)
Matrix(X0_lr) ≈ X0
Passing this low-rank initial value to the GDRE instance
selects the low-rank algorithms and computes the whole trajectories in save_state=true
to solve
prob_lr = GDREProblem(E, A, B, C, X0_lr, tspan)
sol_lr = solve(prob_lr, Ros1(); dt=-100)
Note The type of the initial value,
, dictates the type used for the whole trajectory,sol.X
To record information during the solution process,
e.g. the residual norms of every ADI step at every GDRE time step,
define a custom observer object and associated callback methods.
Refer to the documentation of the Callbacks
module for further information.
julia> import DifferentialRiccatiEquations.Callbacks
help?> Callbacks
Note that there are currently no pre-built observers.
The ADI shifts may be configured using keyword arguments of solve
shifts = Shifts.Projection(2)
solve(::GALEProblem, ::ADI; shifts)
adi_kwargs = (; shifts)
solve(::GDREProblem, ::Ros1; adi_kwargs)
solve(::GAREProblem, ::NewtonADI; adi_kwargs)
Pre-built shift strategies include:
shifts described by Penzl1999Projection
shifts described by BennerKuerschnerSaak2014- User-supplied shifts via the
Refer to the documentation of the Shifts
module for further information.
julia> import DifferentialRiccatiEquations.Shifts
help?> Shifts
I would like to thank the code reviewers:
- Jens Saak (
- Martin Köhler (
- Fan Wang (
The DifferentialRiccatiEquations package is licensed under MIT, see LICENSE
The test/Rail371.mat
data file stems from BennerSaak2005 and is licensed under CC-BY-4.0.
See MOR Wiki for further information.
Warning The output matrix
of the included configuration differs from all the other configurations hosted at MOR Wiki by a factor of 10.