An HTML5 video plugin with JQuery. All video controls are styled with css.
videoClass: "",
defaultControls: false,
autoHideControls: false,
preload: "none", // auto | metadata | none
poster: "",
videoSource: "",
safariType: "video/mp4",
firefoxType: "video/ogg",
chromeType: "video/webm",
ie9Type: "",
videoPlayListURL: "",
scrubber: true,
timer: false,
timeFollowScrubber: false,
volumeOriantation: "horizontal",
muteButton: true,
volumeSliderFade: false,
fallback: "your browser isn't cool enough to support the html5 video tag please upgrade to the lastest version of <a href='' title='firefox'>firefox</a> or <a href='' title='google chrome'>google chrome</a>"
scrubber: true,
autoHideControls: true,
videoSource: "",
timeFollowScrubber: true,
timer: true,
volumeOriantation: "vertical",
volumeSliderFade: true,
muteButton: true,
preload: "auto"
var api = $("#videoDiv").data("video");
// Need to pass "this" or your button will not get updated
// Currently mute is both mute and unmute. It will toggle the volume on and off