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Cross-account ECS deployments using CDK Pipelines


This repository shows how to use CDK Pipelines to create a CI/CD pipeline that:

  • Builds a container image from Dockerfile and pushes it to ECR
  • Deploys an ECS cluster that runs the image
  • Deploys the ECS cluster to staging and production accounts


The following diagram demonstrates what actions the pipeline executes:


In this stack we use CDK Pipelines construct to create a CI/CD pipeline that pulls source code from a GitHub repository, builds application (Docker image) and infrastructure (CDK) code, and deploys it all in three different accounts.

The infrastructure deployed by the pipeline looks like following:


The infrastructure consists of the following:

  • A VPC spanning two Availability Zones with one Public subnet and one Private subnet in each Availability Zone.
  • An ECS Cluster deployed in Private Subnets and using AWS Fargate as a capacity provider.
  • Application Load Balancer fronting the ECS Cluster.
  • In order to minimise the running cost of this demo infrastructure, a NAT Gateway deployed in one Availability Zone instead of two.

Solution overview

The CDK application is structured as follows:

  • lib/cdk-pipeline-stack.ts contains the definition of the CI/CD pipeline. The main component here is the CodePipeline construct that creates the pipeline for us, all we need to do is specify the source repository and personal access token name stored in Secrets Manager
const pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {
  crossAccountKeys: true,
  synth: new ShellStep('Synth', {
    input: CodePipelineSource.gitHub(GITHUB_REPO, BRANCH_NAME, {
      authentication: SecretValue.secretsManager(GITHUB_TOKEN)
    commands: ['npm ci', 'npm run build', 'npx cdk synth']

Note that this version of CodePipeline construct is imported from @aws-cdk/pipelines library and is different from a regular pipeline from @aws-cdk/codepipeline library. Since this CDK application is written in TypeScript, the commands used in the synth step are specific to TypeScript. In case you want to adopt this code to, for example, Python, you will need to change the commands accordingly, check here for reference.

We instruct the pipeline to deploy our application resources by adding Stages to it:

const devStage = new BaseStage(this, 'DevStage', {
  env: {
    account: DEV_ACCOUNT_ID,
    region: AWS_REGION
  customGreeting: 'Hi from Dev account',
  bg: '#FF0000'

Each stage of the pipeline must be an instance of Stage class. In this project, we create our BaseStage class that extends Stage class and accepts custom properties customGreeting and bg , these props are simple strings that we pass down to our resources. env property is used to specify which account and region to deploy the resources to.

  • lib/base-stage.ts contains the definition of our custom BaseStage class.

First of all, we define custom properties that we’d like to use with our class:

export interface baseStageProps extends StageProps {
  customGreeting: string,
  bg: string

For demonstration purposes, our Stage consists of two stacks: baseStack and appStack.

baseStack defines a VPC and an ECS cluster without any resources in it. While in this example it does not have much sense to separate stacks and resources like that, in real-life use case you might want to have such separation between your stacks.

appStack defines the internals of our ECS cluster. Note how we pass Stage properties down to the stack so they can be used with the resources within the stack. We also pass cluster property from baseStack to appStack .

const baseStack = new BaseStack(this, 'BaseStack');
const appStack = new AppStack(this, 'AppStack', {
    cluster: baseStack.cluster,
    greeting: props.customGreeting,

We also expose albAddress property which is a DNS name of the Application Load Balancer defined in appStack so that we can use it with our pipeline for testing:

this.albAddress = new CfnOutput(appStack, 'albAddress', {
  value: `http://${appStack.alb.loadBalancerDnsName}/`
  • lib/base-stack.ts defines the BaseStack consisting of VPC and ECS Cluster. We expose the ECS cluster so it can be used in AppStack.
  • lib/app-stack.ts defines most of the resources in our application. Note that we build the container image straight from the source code:
const asset = new DockerImageAsset(this, 'FlaskAppImage', {
  directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'src')

Since we use CDK Pipelines, this build process will happen in an AWS CodeBuild environment so you do not need to have Docker running on your machine in order to deploy this solution.

In the ECS Container Definition we use bg and customGreeting properties passed down from the stage definition, and assign them to environment variables, which can later be used by our application:

const container = new ecs.ContainerDefinition(this, 'FargateContainer', {
    image: ecs.EcrImage.fromDockerImageAsset(asset),
    taskDefinition: fargateTaskDefinition,
    environment: {
        'CUSTOM_ENVVAR': props.greeting,
    portMappings: [{ containerPort: 80 }]
  • In our pipeline we have a step after devStage and stagingStage that validates whether the application has been deployed successfully. We do it by checking if the application load balancer returning responds with code 2XX. If not, the step will fail and the pipeline execution will be terminated.
pipelineDevStage.addPost(new ShellStep("albTest", {
  envFromCfnOutputs: {albAddress: devStage.albAddress},
  commands: ['curl -f -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $albAddress']
  • After successful deployment of devStage and stagingStage we have a Manual Approval step before deploying the application to Production environment. While in this solution, the Approval step is quite basic, you may want to customise it to suit your needs. Check here to learn more about the capabilities you can add to Manual Approval Step.

Running costs

Even though every attempt has been made to keep the running costs of this solution as low as possible, there are still resources that charge “per-hour” such as Application Load Balancer, NAT Gateway, and ECS Fargate tasks. Approximate costs of running this solution is 3.5 USD per day (~100 USD per month) per environment. It is therefore recommended to delete the resources when not in use anymore, check Clean up section for more information.



git clone
cd cdk-pipelines-ecs-cross-account
npm install


Prior to deploying the stack, create an empty GitHub repository and generate a personal access token. Store your personal access token as a secret in AWS Secrets Manager. Note the name of your secret as you will have to enter it as a value for GITHUB_TOKEN variable in lib/cdk-pipeline-stack.ts

In order for cross-account deployments to work, you will need to bootstrap your “Staging” and “Production” accounts so that they trust the “Development” account. For example, in order to make “Staging” account trust “Development” account to perform cross-account deployments, you will need to bootstrap the “Staging” account using CDK CLI like following:

cdk bootstrap aws://<staging-account-id>/<aws-region> --trust <development-account-id>

To learn more about CDK Bootstrapping, check here

In the lib/params.ts file, provide values for the variables:

  • GITHUB_REPO — empty repository you created as part of the prerequisites. You will push your CDK code to this repository. Should be in the following format: “<username>/<repository-name>”
  • BRANCH_NAME — name of the branch you intend to use in your repository.
  • GITHUB_TOKEN — name of the secret you created in AWS Secrets Manager. This secret must store your GitHub personal access token.
  • AWS_REGION — AWS region where you intend to deploy your stack, e.g. “eu-west-1” or “us-east-1”.
  • DEV_ACCOUNT_ID — ID of the account where you will deploy the pipeline. For demonstration purposes, this account will also be used as a developer environment where we will do the first deployment.
  • STAGING_ACCOUNT_ID — ID of the account to be used as a staging environment account. The stack will be deployed to this account after successful deployment to Developer environment.
  • PROD_ACCOUNT_ID — ID of the account to be used as a production environment account. The stack will be deployed to this account after successful deployment to Staging environment.

Save your changes and run the following command, make sure you use AWS credentials from your "Development" account:

cdk synth

Running the command generates, among other things, a cdk.context.json file, which is required for our cross-account deployment to work.

Push the changes to your empty GitHub repo:

git remote set-url origin <YOUR_GITHUB_REPO_URL>
git add .
git commit -m ‘updated vars’
git push

Deploy your CDK application using CDK CLI (Note that since we are deploying the pipeline into DEV_ACCOUNT, this action must performed using your DEV_ACCOUNT credentials):

cdk deploy

Clean up

Note that running cdk destroy in this application will only delete the pipeline stack. In order to delete the stacks deployed by the pipeline, go to AWS Console, open CloudFormation page and delete the stacks manually in the following order:

  1. <StageName>-AppStack
  2. <StageName>-BaseStack

You will need to do it in all accounts you’ve deployed the stacks to.


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