New Features
Output interface enhanced to allow multiple files handles to be opened
Particle restart file linked to output interface
Particle restarts and state point restarts are both identified with the -r command line flag.
Particle instance no longer global, passed to all physics routines
Physics routines refactored to rely less on global memory, more arguments passed in
CMFD routines refactored and now can compute dominance ratio on the fly
PETSc 3.4.2 or higher must be used and compiled with fortran datatype support
Memory leaks fixed except for ones from xml-fortran package
Test suite enhanced to test output with different compiler options
Description of OpenMC development workflow added
OpenMP shared-memory parallelism added
Special run mode --tallies removed.
Bug Fixes
Normalize direction vector after reflecting particle.
Set blank default for cross section listing alias.
Fix infinite loop with words greater than 80 characters in write_message.
Check for valid secondary mode on S(a,b) tables.
Fix bug where last process could have zero particles.
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