OpenMC 0.6.1
New Features
- Coarse mesh finite difference (CMFD) acceleration no longer requires PETSc
- Statepoint file numbering is now zero-padded
- Python scripts now compatible with Python 2 or 3
- Ability to run particle restarts in fixed source calculations
- Capability to filter box source by fissionable materials
- Nuclide/element names are now case insensitive in input files
- Improved treatment of resonance scattering for heavy nuclides
Bug Fixes
- 03e8903 Check for energy-dependent multiplicities in ACE files
- 4439de5 Fix distance-to-surface calculation for general plane surface
- 5808ed4 Account for differences in URR band probabilities at different energies
- 2e60c0e Allow zero atom/weight percents in materials
- 3e0870a Don't use PWD environment variable when setting path to input files
- dc47763 Handle probability table resampling correctly
- 01178bf Fix metastables nuclides in NNDC cross_sections.xml file
- 62ec431 Don't read tallies.xml when OpenMC is run in plotting mode
- 2a95ef7 Prevent segmentation fault on "current" score without mesh filter
- 93e4823 Check for negative values in probability tables
- 9d32299 Ensure installation of Python modules goes into correct directory
This release contains new contributions from the following people: