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Because we're testing your ability to C# 😉.

Problem Description

We've provided the EYEEXAMAPI project. This project is a lightweight data provider you should treat as another microservice in our stack. For the sake of speed and ease, just focus on consuming this api hosted locally.

This API has two routes:

  1. Schedule GET Returns a collection of raw Schedule of Notice of Lease Data. This is data provided in a lossy format.
  2. Results GET The Expected Output of your API we expect to see.

Your job is to write a new C# .NET API to consume this API that can take the raw Schedule data and parse it into the same format as the data provided on the /results/ route (don't worry about the order of the results, only the accuracy of the parsing). Your solution should implement some sort of storage or caching so that repeat calls don't incur repeat processing.

No modification to the provided code should be necessary EYEEXAMAPI.

Run Instructions


The API was built with .NET 6 Minimal API. As such you'll need the .NET 6 SDK and relevant dev tools.

To run with VSStudio / Rider

  1. Open the EyeExamApi.csproj
  2. Hit Debug.
  3. Api will open and navigate to swagger.

To run with VSCode

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Navigate to /EYEEXAMAPI
  3. Run dotnet run
  4. Navigate to https://localhost:7203/swagger/index.html
  5. You may need to run dotnet dev-certs https --trust to accept the dotnet dev ssl cert


The API uses Basic auth and the credentials can be find the in the appSettings json.

What we're looking for

Core Competencies

  • Show off how you like to code well
    • Consistent standards
    • SOLID Principles
    • SoC
    • Code readability
    • Well documented code.
  • Simple to run or well documented startup.
  • Accurate Result Set.
  • Test Coverage.

Additional points

Extra points are available for

  • Algorithm extensibility for future cases
  • External visiblity and live diagnostics (think: logging, telemetry etc)
  • Consideration of hosting + deployment (Docker, Serverless etc)
  • Write up of next steps to get the solution to production
  • anything else you think is relevant, get creative


We expect this to take no more than two hours to cover the core competencies above, if you decide to spend more time to show off or hit some bonus points you're more than welcome to!

If you find yourself running out of time prior to completing the entire problem, we will also review partial submissions paired with a write up of what your next steps would have been.


Submit your result via your medium of choice (zip archive / git repo) to the recruiter or contact at Orbital Witness, and we'll be in touch with the results!


Because we're testing your ability to C#.






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