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A ES6 class based mongoDB ODM which is a wrapper upon offical mongodbjs driver


  • Object based: an object representing a document in collection, with CRUD methods and all data fields are setter and getter accessor descriptors.
  • schema: support multi constrain like type, unique, sparse, default, required and you can customize an validator function for a field.
  • promise based: all operation return promise.
  • decorated class mehod: class methods expose all CRUD operations with additional customization as data checking against schema defination and directly return doc for findOneAndRepacle findOneAndUpdate findOneAndDelete instead of a result (which you have to use result.value to get the doc in native way).
  • native driver function exposed: you can also directly use offical driver's function via class methods whose name appended by Native or use constructed db instance from DB class.


node version >= 6


npm install --save mongo-mongo


a quick glance

const { DOC, DB, types } = require('mongo-mongo')

class Book extends DOC {
    constructor(data) {
            title: {type: String, unique: true},
            // if only type constrain, use this syntax for short
            publish: Date,
            created: {type: Date, default: new Date},
            copies: {
                type: types.Int,
                validator: v => (v >= 1000 && v <= 10000)
            price: Number
    // default collection name is lower-cased class name, set it explicitly using below method
    static setCollectionName() {
        return 'books'

// DB eats the same argument as native's MongoClient.connect
const db = new DB('mongodb://localhost:27017/db')
// all CURD operation will use the same db instance
// no created field supplied in argument, a default new Date will be used, this will throw error if any field not satisfying schema defination
let book = new Book({title:'2666', publish: new Date(2008,10,10), copies: 5000, price: 12.2})
// insert data into database
    .then(r => {console.log('saved!')})
    .catch(e => {console.log('something wrong when saving')})

DB class

Constructed with a mongo connect string and option, it's a wrapper upon native driver's MongoClient. Once a instance is constructed, you can get native driver's db instance via db.getDB(db => console.log('db is a instance of native MongoDb')). The point is getDB returns a thunker which delays the evaluation of a paramless async function and cache the result(thanks to thunky module), that's to say for a specific db instande, it'll establish connection to db server only once, and the afterwards calling just reuse the same connection.

const DB = require('mongo-mongo').DB
const db = new DB('mongodb://localhost:27017/data')//,option as second parameter if any
db.getDB(db => {}) //do whatever you want with db instance inside arrow function


You can use constructor in two ways:

  1. only pass data argument and set db else where via class method setDB(recommeded)
  2. pass both db and data arguments

both ways support constructing with no argument and add data field latter

// 1. only pass data to constructor
class YourDOC1 extends DOC {
    constructor(data) {
        this.setSchema({name: String})//define your schema here
// 2. pass db and data to construcotr
class YourDOC2 extends DOC {
    constructor(db, data) {
        super(db, data)
        this.setSchema({name: String})//define your schema here

// new instance with argument, setDB else where
let yourdoc1 = new YourDOC1({name: 'name'});
// laterly newed instance after yourdoc2 don't need db anymore since you've set it
let yourdoc2 = new YourDOC2(db, {name: 'name'})

// new instance without argument and setDB else where
let yourdoc1_1 = new YourDOC1(); YourDOC1.setDB(db);
let yourdoc2_1 = new YourDOC2(); YourDOC2.setDB(db);
// add data via setter, every data field is a setter/getter descriptor of your instance = 'name' = 'name'

schema defination

set schema inside constructor via this.setSchema({})//schma object

supported types:
  • String
  • Number
  • Int: refer to Int like soconst Int = require('mongo-mongo').types.Int
  • Object
  • Boolean
  • Array
  • Date
  • nested document (multi nested levels supported)
example for nested document
class Author extends DOC {
  constructor(data) {
      name: {type: String, required: true},
      born: Date,
      nationality: [String],
      married: Boolean

class Book extends DOC {
  constructor(data) {
      title: {type: String, required: true},
      //for nested document type, use string
      author: 'Author',
      publish: Date,
      created: {type: Date, default: new Date()},
      price: Number,
      copies: {type: Int, validator: v => (v>100 && v<2000)},
      // embedded document as plain object
      recommedation: {type: Object, unique: true, sparse: true},
      // for Array, you can use Array, [], or [INNER_TYPE] as type constrain
      keywords: [String],
      soldout: Boolean,
  static setCollectionName() {
    return 'books'

let author = new Author({
  name: 'Roberto Bolaño',
  born: new Date(1953,3,27),
  nationality: ['Chile'],
  married: true

// default value of created field will be added automatically since it's not supplied
let book = new Book({
  title: '2666',
  author: author,
  publish: new Date(2008,10,10),
  price: 15.2,
  copies: 1500,
  recommedation: {
    reviewer: 'New York Times',
    comment: '10 Best Books of 2008'
  keywords: ['history', 'novel'],
  soldout: true
supported constrains:
  • type: define a field's type, if you only want type constrain, use fieldName: TYPE for short
  • unique: this will create a index by calling mongodb's native createIndex('yourFieldName', {unique: true}) once for a DOC class
  • default: when no value supplied, default will be used
  • required: throw error when construct a new instance with data argument but no required field supplied or throw error when calling save if you construct instance without data argument
  • sparse: this will create a index by calling mongodb's native createIndex('yourFieldName', {sparse: true}) once for a DOC class
  • validator: this must be a function which return boolean

instance method

  • for CRUD opeartion, please reder to CRUD operation
  • retrive or set data field with setter or getter
  • save: save your instance's data into database, every instance has a __data property(unenumerable) refer to its doc data
  • update: use setter update your instance's data then use update to update into database
  • delete: delete corresponding doc from database
  • getData: return data object referred by __data property, if there's nested field, the corresponding filed is a instanct of nested document
  • addData: you can add multi fields' data using this method

class method

  • for CRUD opeartion, please reder to CRUD operation
  • getCollection: require a callback as parameter and pass the underlying collection instance to callback function
  • getDB: require a callback as parameter and pass the underlying db instance to callback function
  • setDB: set db instance to use for your DOC class
  • setCollectionName: default collction name for a DOC class is its lower-cased name, you can specify it by define a static method called setCollectionName and return wanted string when declaring your DOC class

native driver functions

aggregate operation

all following class methods accept the same argument as corresponding native function, all result is returned in a promise

  • aggregate
  • mapReduce
  • count
  • distinct
  • bulkWrite

edge cases

  • class method updateOne/updateMany don't support nested document right now, and don't support the following update operators: $inc, $mul, $rename, $min, $max, $addToSet, $setOnInsert. The reason is that these operators need previous value, let's say a field has constrain as v <=100 && v >=90 and its previous value is 100, $inc 1 will violate its constrain, in order to check against shcema defination, we have to retrive previous value first and do the caculation, this seems cubersome. Maybe we can add another function for above concern in later version.
  • for Object field, you have to assign new object to trigger __updatedField, when calling a setter of a field, it push that field name into __updatedField array to keep track of which field is updated, but for a Object field, we set its property via instance.ObjectField.propery, this is actually calling a getter, thus no chance to update __updatedField, so if you update a nested Object property, please re-assign that field to trigger updating __updatedField, I made some extra effort for nested document, so nested document has no such limit, you should consider using a nested document over a nest Object in this condition.

CRUD operation

operatrion instance method class method native driver(via class method)
Create save insertOne insertOneNative
Create save insertMany insertManyNative
Read getter find find
Read getter findOne findOneNative
Update setter + update updateOne updateOneNative
Update setter + update replaceOne replaceOneNative
Update setter + update updateMany updateManyNative
Delete delete deleteOne deleteOneNative
Delete delete deleteMany deleteManyNative
Read and Update getter + update findOneAndUpdate findOneAndUpdateNative
Read and Update getter + update findOneAndReplace findOneAndReplaceNative
Read and Delete getter + delete findOneAndDelete findOneAndDeleteNative
operation called-via explaination exmaple
save instance insert instance's doc data into db, return promise => console.log('saved'))
getter/setter instance get/set instance's data field book.price; book.price = 20
update instance update instance's data into db, return promise book.update().then(r => console.log('updated'))
delete instance delete instance's data from db, return promise book.delete().then(r => console.log('deleted'))
insertOne class insert doc into db, have the ability of checking doc data against schema defination, return primose Book.insertOne({title: 'Last Evenings on Earth', publish: new Date(2007,3,30)}).then(r => console.log('inserted'))
insertMany class insert many docs into db, have the ability of checking docs' data against schema defination, return promise Book.insertMany([{title: 'title1'},{title: 'title2'}]).then(r => console.log('inserted'))
insertOneNative class call native driver's insertOne, doesn't check data's validation, return promise Book.insertOne({title: 'title insert by native driver'}).then(r => console.log('inserted'))
insertManyNative class call native driver's insertMany, doesn't check data's validation, return promise Book.insertOne([{title: 'title1'},{title: 'title2'}]).then(r => console.log('inserted'))
find class call native driver's find, return cursor in a promise Book.find({title: '2666'}).then(cursor => cursor.toArray())
findOne class call native driver's findOne, return matched doc in a promise Book.findOne({title: '2666'}).then(doc => doc.title === '2666')
findOneNative class same as findOne Book.findOneNative({title: '2666'}).then(doc => doc.title === '2666')
updateOne class update a matched doc, have the ability of checking updating data against schema defination, return promise Book.updateOne({title: '2666'}, {$set: {copies: 8000}}).then(r => console.log('updated'))
updateOneNative class update a matched doc, doesn't check updating data's validation, return promise Book.updateOneNative({title: '2666'}, {$set: {copies: 20000}}).then(r => console.log('updated'))
replaceOne class replace a matched doc, have the ability of checking replacing data against schema defination, return promise Book.replaceOne({title: '2666'},{title: 'new 2666'}).then(r => console.log('replaced'))
replaceOneNative class replace a matched doc, doesn't check data's validation, return promise Book.replaceOneNative({title: '2666'},{title: 'new 2666'}).then(r => console.log('replaced'))
updateMany class update many matched docs, have the ability of checking updating data against schema defination, return promise Book.updateMany({title: /title/},{$set: {copies: 6000}}).then(r => console.log('updated'))
updateManyNative class update many matched docs, doesn't check updating data's validation, return promise Book.updateManyNative({title: /title/},{$set: {copies: 20000}}).then(r => console.log('updated'))
deleteOne class delete a matched doc, return promise Book.deleteOne({title: '2666'}).then(r => console.log('deleted'))
deleteOneNative class same as deleteOne Book.deleteOne({title: '2666'}).then(r => console.log('deleted'))
deleteMany class delete many matched docs, return promise Book.deleteMany({title: /title/}).then(r => console.log('deleted'))
deleteManyNative class same as deleteMany Book.deleteMany({title: /title/}).then(r => console.log('deleted'))
findOneAndUpdate class update a matched doc and return original or updated doc according to returnOriginal option in a promise, have the ability of checking updating data against schema defination Book.findOneAndUpdate({title: '2666'},{$set: {copies: 6000}}).then(doc => doc.copies === 5000)
findOneAndUpdateNative class update a matched doc and return operation result in a promise, result.value is original or updated is according to returnOriginal option, doesn't check updating data's validation Book.findOneAndUpdateNative({title: '2666'},{$set: {copies: 20000}}).then(result => result.value.copies === 5000)
findOneAndReplace class replace a matched doc and return original or replaced doc according to returnOriginal option in a promise, have the ability of checking replacing data against schema defination Book.findOneAndReplace({title: '2666'},{title: '2666', copies: 6000}).then(doc => doc.copies === 5000)
findOneAndReplaceNative class replace a matched doc and return operation result in a promise, result.value is original or replaced is according to returnOriginal option, doesn't check replacing data's validation Book.findOneAndReplaceNative({title: '2666'},{title: '2666', copies: 20000}).then(result => result.value.copies === 5000)
findOneAndDelete class delete a matched doc and return original doc in a promise Book.findOneAndDelete({title: '2666'}).then(doc => doc.title === '2666')
findOneAndDeleteNative class delete a matched doc and return operation result in a promise Book.findOneAndDeleteNative({title: '2666'}).then(result => result.value.title === '2666')


  • support more types
  • add new class method to do update operation with supporting of all update operator



  • 基于对象: 一个对象代表collection中的一个document, 对象拥有CRUD方法,对象的每条data field对应一组setter/getter描述符。
  • schema: 支持多种约束:type, unique, sparse, default, required 你也可以自定义validator function.
  • 返回promise: CRUD操作都返回promise.
  • 附加功能的类CRUD方法: class除了直接暴露原生的CRUD方法外(要使用原生方法在对应方法名后加Native),还对inert,update,replace等写操作做了数据有效性检查, findOneAndRepacle findOneAndUpdate findOneAndDelete 方法直接把doc数据包装在promise中返回,而不是像原生方法那样需要访问操作结果的value属性得到doc数据。



const { DOC, DB, types } = require('mongo-mongo')

class Book extends DOC {
    constructor(data) {
            title: {type: String, unique: true},
            // 如果只有类型限制,那么使用下面的简单形式
            publish: Date,
            created: {type: Date, default: new Date},
            copies: {
                type: types.Int,
                validator: v => (v >= 1000 && v <= 10000)
            price: Number
    // 默认的collection的名字为类名的全小写,可以使用下面的方法来显式设置collection名字
    static setCollectionName() {
        return 'books'

// 传给DB的参数与原生的MongoClient.connect参数一致
const db = new DB('mongodb://localhost:27017/db')
// 之后所有的CRUD操作都是复用同一个db实例
// 因为传入参数没有created值,created将使用default设定的new Date,如果传入的参数违反schema的定义,将抛出错误
let book = new Book({title:'2666', publish: new Date(2008,10,10), copies: 5000, price: 12.2})
// 向database插入数据
    .then(r => {console.log('saved!')})
    .catch(e => {console.log('something wrong when saving')})

DB 类

DB 类包了一层官方的MongoClient.connect, 创建实例的参数与传递给MongoClient.connect的参数一致。构造出实例后可以通过实例方法db.getDB(db => {})拿到官方的db实例。getDB实际上返回一个thunker,对于每一个实例,只与db server建立一次链接,以后每次取db的操作,实际上都是在复用之前的db实例。

const DB = require('mongo-mongo').DB
const db = new DB('mongodb://localhost:27017/data')//,option通过第二个参数传递
db.getDB(db => {db}) //在箭头函数内得到官方db



  1. 仅传递data形参,然后在其他地方通过setDB类方法来指定要使用的db实例(推荐)
  2. 传递db, data两个形参


// 1. 仅传递data形参
class YourDOC1 extends DOC {
    constructor(data) {
        this.setSchema({name: String})//定义schema
// 2. 传递db和data形参
class YourDOC2 extends DOC {
    constructor(db, data) {
        super(db, data)
        this.setSchema({name: String})//定义schema

// 带data实参构造实例,用setDB指定要使用的db实例
let yourdoc1 = new YourDOC1({name: 'name'});
// 带db和data实参构造实例,之后构造的实例不必再提供db实参,因为第一次已经提供了
let yourdoc2 = new YourDOC2(db, {name: 'name'})

// 不带任何实参构造实例,用setDB指定要使用的db实例
let yourdoc1_1 = new YourDOC1(); YourDOC1.setDB(db);
let yourdoc2_1 = new YourDOC2(); YourDOC2.setDB(db);
// 通过setter添加数据, 每一个schema中定义的数据都是一个setter/getter描述符 = 'name' = 'name'

schema 定义


  • String
  • Number
  • Int: 通过const Int = require('mongo-mongo').types.Int来使用Int
  • Object
  • Boolean
  • Array
  • Date
  • nested document (支持任意层级的嵌套)
nested document 例子
class Author extends DOC {
  constructor(data) {
      name: {type: String, required: true},
      born: Date,
      nationality: [String],
      married: Boolean

class Book extends DOC {
  constructor(data) {
      title: {type: String, required: true},
      //使用字符串来定义 nested document 类型
      author: 'Author',
      publish: Date,
      created: {type: Date, default: new Date()},
      price: Number,
      copies: {type: Int, validator: v => (v>100 && v<2000)},
      // 嵌套纯Object
      recommedation: {type: Object, unique: true, sparse: true},
      // 可以使用Array,或[],或[类型]来定义
      keywords: [String],
      soldout: Boolean,
  static setCollectionName() {
    return 'books'

let author = new Author({
  name: 'Roberto Bolaño',
  born: new Date(1953,3,27),
  nationality: ['Chile'],
  married: true

// 实参没提供created, created将使用默认值
let book = new Book({
  title: '2666',
  author: author,
  publish: new Date(2008,10,10),
  price: 15.2,
  copies: 1500,
  recommedation: {
    reviewer: 'New York Times',
    comment: '10 Best Books of 2008'
  keywords: ['history', 'novel'],
  soldout: true
  • type: 指定类型约束, 如果你对某个data field只有类型上的约束, 可以使用*fieldName: TYPE*简写
  • unique: 如果指定某个data field为unique, 则会在首次CRUD操作之前调用原生的createIndex('yourFieldName', {unique: true})来创建unique index
  • default: 当该data field值未提供时,使用默认值
  • required: 为true时,当提供的data缺少该条目则抛出error
  • sparse: 如果指定摸个data field为spare时,则会在首次CRUD操作之前调用原生的createIndex('yourFieldName', {sparse: true})来创建spare index
  • validator: 自定义检查函数,该函数需返回boolean值


  • 详细的CRUD操作请参考 CRUD operation
  • 取值/赋值使用setter, getter描述符
  • save: 插入实例的data到数据库中,每个实例都有一个__data属性(unenumerable)指向其向关数据
  • update: 使用setter赋新址,然后调用update向数据库发起更新
  • delete: 删掉数据库中该instance所指向的数据
  • getData: 返回__data属性指向的数据,当有嵌套类型时,该field返回嵌套的document实例
  • addData: 你可以通过addData一次添加多条数据


  • 详细的CRUD操作请参考 CRUD operation
  • getCollection: 参数为callback函数,传递给callback函数的参数为mongodb collection实例
  • getDB: 参数为callback函数,传递给callback函数的参数为mongodb db实例
  • setDB: 设置该类所使用的DB实例
  • setCollectionName: 一个类对应的collection name默认为类名全小写,可以通过该函数显式设置collection name




  • aggregate
  • mapReduce
  • count
  • distinct
  • bulkWrite


  • 类方法 updateOne/updateMany 目前不支持nested document 也不支持如下update operator: $inc, $mul, $rename, $min, $max, $addToSet, $setOnInsert. 原因为以上operator需要更新前数据的值,比如说,你有一个data field通过validator约束为 v <= 100 && v >= 90,此时更新前的数据为100,那么$inc 1的操作会破坏该约束,这样的操作需要先去query到当前值,然后再进行计算,检查符不符合约束,导致对update这样一个操作来讲,性能欠佳,可许可以考虑以后再新加一个这样的方法。
  • 对于类型为Object的data field,如果要更新该Object其中一条属性的值又想要触发__updateField的更新,那么你必须要重新给该data field赋值一下,原因是当给data field赋值是实际上是调用了该field的setter,setter里面会有一个操作来吧该data field的名字push到__updatedField中,这样在update操作时,才去抓取最新的值。但是对于Object类型的field来讲,我们一般会用这样的方式来更新Object的某个property的值 = 'xxxxx',这样的操作实际上是调用该field的getter,没办法调用setter也就没办法更新__updatedField,所以你需要对该field进行赋值操作,instance.ObjectField = updatedObject来触发__updatedField的更新。对于nested document来讲,我做了些额外的操作来避免类似的情况,无需此顾虑。所以,这样的情况下,推荐考虑使用nested document。


operatrion instance method class method native driver(via class method)
Create save insertOne insertOneNative
Create save insertMany insertManyNative
Read getter find find
Read getter findOne findOneNative
Update setter + update updateOne updateOneNative
Update setter + update replaceOne replaceOneNative
Update setter + update updateMany updateManyNative
Delete delete deleteOne deleteOneNative
Delete delete deleteMany deleteManyNative
Read and Update getter + update findOneAndUpdate findOneAndUpdateNative
Read and Update getter + update findOneAndReplace findOneAndReplaceNative
Read and Delete getter + delete findOneAndDelete findOneAndDeleteNative
operation called-via explaination exmaple
save instance 写入实例的data数据到database,操作结果包装在promise中返回 => console.log('saved'))
getter/setter instance 取值/赋值 实例的data field book.price; book.price = 20
update instance 更新实例中被更新的data到database,操作结果包装在promise中返回 book.update().then(r => console.log('updated'))
delete instance 从database中删除实例的data数据,操作结果包装在promise中返回 book.delete().then(r => console.log('deleted'))
insertOne class 写入一条data到database中,会依据schema定义检查data的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.insertOne({title: 'Last Evenings on Earth', publish: new Date(2007,3,30)}).then(r => console.log('inserted'))
insertMany class 写入多条data到database中,会依据schema定义检查data的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.insertMany([{title: 'title1'},{title: 'title2'}]).then(r => console.log('inserted'))
insertOneNative class 直接调用原生的insertOne函数,不检查data的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.insertOne({title: 'title insert by native driver'}).then(r => console.log('inserted'))
insertManyNative class 直接调用原生的insertMany函数,不检查data的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.insertOne([{title: 'title1'},{title: 'title2'}]).then(r => console.log('inserted'))
find class 直接调用原生的find函数,cursor包装在promise中返回 Book.find({title: '2666'}).then(cursor => cursor.toArray())
findOne class 直接调用原生的findOne函数, 匹配到的doc包装在promise中返回 Book.findOne({title: '2666'}).then(doc => doc.title === '2666')
findOneNative class 与findOne相同 Book.findOneNative({title: '2666'}).then(doc => doc.title === '2666')
updateOne class 更新匹配到的doc,会依据schema定义检查更新data的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.updateOne({title: '2666'}, {$set: {copies: 8000}}).then(r => console.log('updated'))
updateOneNative class 更新匹配到的doc,不检查更新data的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.updateOneNative({title: '2666'}, {$set: {copies: 20000}}).then(r => console.log('updated'))
replaceOne class 替换匹配到的doc,会依据schema定义检查替换数据的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.replaceOne({title: '2666'},{title: 'new 2666'}).then(r => console.log('replaced'))
replaceOneNative class 直接调用原生的replaceOne函数,不检查替换数据的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.replaceOneNative({title: '2666'},{title: 'new 2666'}).then(r => console.log('replaced'))
updateMany class 更新多条匹配到的doc,会依据schema定义检查更新数据的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.updateMany({title: /title/},{$set: {copies: 6000}}).then(r => console.log('updated'))
updateManyNative class 直接调用原生的updateMany函数,不检查更新数据的有效性,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.updateManyNative({title: /title/},{$set: {copies: 20000}}).then(r => console.log('updated'))
deleteOne class 直接调用原生deleteOne, 从database中删除一条匹配到的doc,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.deleteOne({title: '2666'}).then(r => console.log('deleted'))
deleteOneNative class 与deleteOne相同 Book.deleteOne({title: '2666'}).then(r => console.log('deleted'))
deleteMany class 直接调用原生deleteMany, 从database中删除多条匹配到的doc,操作结果包装在promise中返回 Book.deleteMany({title: /title/}).then(r => console.log('deleted'))
deleteManyNative class 与deleteMany相同 Book.deleteMany({title: /title/}).then(r => console.log('deleted'))
findOneAndUpdate class 更新一条匹配到的doc,会依据schema定义检查更新数据的有效性,更新前或更新后数据(由option returnOriginal决定,默认为true)被包装在promise中返回 Book.findOneAndUpdate({title: '2666'},{$set: {copies: 6000}}).then(doc => doc.copies === 5000)
findOneAndUpdateNative class 直接调用原生findOneAndUpdate, 不检查更新数据的有效性,操作结果被包装在promise中返回,通过.value获取更新前或之后数据(由option returnOriginal决定,默认为true) Book.findOneAndUpdateNative({title: '2666'},{$set: {copies: 20000}}).then(result => result.value.copies === 5000)
findOneAndReplace class 替换一条匹配到的doc,会依据schema定义检查替换数据的有效性,更新前或更新后数据(由option returnOriginal决定,默认为true)被包装在promise中返回 Book.findOneAndReplace({title: '2666'},{title: '2666', copies: 6000}).then(doc => doc.copies === 5000)
findOneAndReplaceNative class 直接调用原生findOneAndReplace,不检查替换数据的有效性,操作结果被包装在promise中返回,通过.value获取更新前或之后数据(由option returnOriginal决定,默认为true) Book.findOneAndReplaceNative({title: '2666'},{title: '2666', copies: 20000}).then(result => result.value.copies === 5000)
findOneAndDelete class 删除一条匹配到的doc, 该doc被包装在promise中返回 Book.findOneAndDelete({title: '2666'}).then(doc => doc.title === '2666')
findOneAndDeleteNative class 直接调用原生findOneAndDelete, 操作结果被包装在promise中返回,通过.value获取被删除的doc数据 Book.findOneAndDeleteNative({title: '2666'}).then(result => result.value.title === '2666')


  • 支持更多的数据类型
  • 也许会添加新的class方法用来进行update操作并支持所有的update operator


A ES6 class based MongoDB ODM







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