This is the Githup Repository for the paper Prediction of Covid-19 associated sentinel events based on laboratory values via machine learning in hospitals by Wendland etal. [1] containing the code to reconstruct our results and additional supplementary files. In our work we construct machine-learning based models for the prediction of in-hospital mortality, transfer to intensive-care unit (ICU) and mechanical ventilation of hospitalized Covid-19 patients. We use age, biological sex and averaged covariates of the first 48 or 24 hours after admission to a hospital as (possible) covariates.
Important: The patient data used in our analysis is not included in this repository because we are not allowed to publicly share these data due to german law.
- In the folder Code_Paper you can find the code to reproduce our findings
- The folder Tests contain complete csv files with all wilcoxon-rank-sum-tests and t-tests for all endpoints including missing rates for each feature
- The lab_abbreviations.csv file contains a complete list of the full names of all laboratory values
- To install all package dependencies we recommend to create a anaconda environment via the environment.yml file using "conda env create -f environment.yml"
- pandas [2]
- numpy [3]
- matplolib [4]
- seaborn [5]
- sklearn [6]
- scipy [7]
- statsmodels [8]
- xgboost [9]
- skopt [10]
- tidyverse [11]
- proc [12]
[1] Wendland P, Schmitt V, Zimmermann J, Schenkel-Häger C, Kschischo M. "Machine learning models for predicting severe COVID-19 outcomes in hospitals". 2022
[2] McKinney W. Data Structures for Statistical Computing in Python, Austin, Texas: 2010, p. 56–61.
[3] Harris CR, Millman KJ, van der Walt SJ, Gommers R, Virtanen P, Cournapeau D, et al. Array programming with NumPy. Nature 2020;585:357–62.
[4] Hunter JD. Matplotlib: A 2D Graphics Environment. Comput Sci Eng 2007;9:90–5.
[5] Waskom M. seaborn: statistical data visualization. JOSS 2021;6;3021.
[6] Pedregosa F, Varoquaux G, Gramfort A, Michel V, Thirion B, Grisel O, et al. Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python 2018.
[7] Virtanen P, Gommers R, Oliphant TE, Haberland M, Reddy T, Cournapeau D, et al. SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python. Nat Methods 2020;17:261–72.
[8] Seabold S, Perktold J. Statsmodels: Econometric and Statistical Modeling with Python, Austin, Texas: 2010, p. 92–6.
[9] Chen T, Guestrin C. XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, San Francisco California USA: ACM; 2016, p. 785–94.
[10] Head T, MechCoder, Louppe G, Iaroslav Shcherbatyi, Fcharras, Zé Vinícius, et al. Scikit-Optimize/Scikit-Optimize: V0.5.2. Zenodo; 2018.
[11] Wickham H, Averick M, Bryan J, Chang W, McGowan L, François R, et al. Welcome to the Tidyverse. JOSS 2019;4:1686.
[12] Robin X, Turck N, Hainard A, Tiberti N, Lisacek F, Sanchez J-C, et al. pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves. BMC Bioinformatics 2011;12:77.
Contact: Philipp Wendland - [email protected]