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differentiate between pk, fk, constr, idx. Some bugfixes. Collects do…
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flurfis committed Nov 6, 2023
1 parent ffe2477 commit 191c6b4
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 29 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -47,19 +47,32 @@ public class GatherSchema {

//ImmutableMap<Long, LogicalNamespace> namespaces;
List<LogicalNamespace> namespaces;
List<LogicalNamespace> relNamespaces;
List<LogicalNamespace> graphNamespaces;
List<LogicalNamespace> docNamespaces;

//namespace id, list of tables for the namespace
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalTable>> tables;
//TODO(FF): if there exist constraint that go over several tables, need other way to signify it... rather use constraints per table, not per namespace! (but gets the right amount of constraints) --> ha sgfühl es get nome constraint öber 1 table
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalConstraint>> constraints;

//table id, list of views for the table
//TODO(FF): make views and materialized views not (? deleted?)... views and materialized views can be over several tables -> over several namespaces??
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalView>> views;
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalMaterializedView>> materializedViews;
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalCollection>> collections;
ImmutableMap<Long, LogicalGraph> graphs;

//table id, list of views for the table
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalColumn>> columns;
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalKey>> keysPerTable;
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalIndex>> logicalIndexes;
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalPrimaryKey>> primaryKeysPerTable;
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalForeignKey>> foreignKeysPerTable;
//ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalKey>> keysPerTable;
// uufspliite en pk, fk, constraints, indexes
// index -> can only be created per (one) table
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalIndex>> logicalIndexes;
//TODO(FF): if there exist constraint that go over several tables, need other way to signify it... rather use constraints per table, not per namespace! (but gets the right amount of constraints) --> constr only 1 table (?), views can be sever tables
ImmutableMap<Long, List<LogicalConstraint>> constraints;

Boolean collectedRel = false;
Boolean collectedDoc = false;
Boolean collectedGraph = false;

public GatherSchema() {
Expand All @@ -70,6 +83,8 @@ public void start() {
//figure out how to get the snapshot from catalog bzw. how to create a new snapshot, and take infos out of it

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,12 +116,14 @@ private void getRelSchema() {
Map<Long, List<LogicalMaterializedView>> materializedViews = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, List<LogicalColumn>> columns = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, List<LogicalConstraint>> constraints = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, List<LogicalKey>> keysPerTable = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, List<LogicalIndex>> logicalIndex1 = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, List<LogicalIndex>> logicalIndex2 = new HashMap<>();
//Map<Long, List<LogicalKey>> keysPerTable = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, List<LogicalPrimaryKey>> primaryKeysPerTable = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, List<LogicalForeignKey>> foreignKeysPerTable = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, List<LogicalIndex>> logicalIndex = new HashMap<>();
//List<LogicalView> getConnectedViews( long id );

List<LogicalNamespace> relNamespaces = n -> n.namespaceType == NamespaceType.RELATIONAL ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
this.relNamespaces = relNamespaces;

// go through the list of namespaces and get the id of each namespace, map the tables to the namespace id
//TODO(FF)?: views - list is just empty, but creates it nontheless, same for constraints, keys
Expand All @@ -117,9 +134,6 @@ private void getRelSchema() {
List<LogicalTable> tablesFromNamespace = snapshot.rel().getTablesFromNamespace( namespaceId );
tables.put( namespaceId, tablesFromNamespace );

// get list of constraints for each namespace
List<LogicalConstraint> tableConstraints = snapshot.rel().getConstraints();
constraints.put( namespaceId, tableConstraints );

// get other schema information for each table
for (LogicalTable table : tablesFromNamespace) {
Expand All @@ -140,24 +154,41 @@ private void getRelSchema() {
List<LogicalColumn> tableColumns = snapshot.rel().getColumns( tableId );
columns.put( tableId, tableColumns );

//keys - (old: all keys selected: incl. pk, fk, constr, indexes
//snapshot.rel().getKeys(); - get all keys
List<LogicalKey> tableKeys = snapshot.rel().getTableKeys( tableId );
keysPerTable.put( tableId, tableKeys );
//List<LogicalKey> tableKeys = snapshot.rel().getTableKeys( tableId );
//keysPerTable.put( tableId, tableKeys );

//primary keys
//TODO(FF): bechonnt alli keys of einisch
//get only primary keys for the table
List<LogicalPrimaryKey> pkk = snapshot.rel().getPrimaryKeys().stream().filter( k -> k.tableId == tableId ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
primaryKeysPerTable.put( tableId, pkk );

// foreign keys
List<LogicalForeignKey> fk = snapshot.rel().getForeignKeys( tableId );
foreignKeysPerTable.put( tableId, fk );

//TODO(FF): indexes are also safed as keys... (they are part of the keys list...) maybe i have to safe keys seperately as pks and fks... but am i missing keys? LogicalGenericKey, was cha das alles sii??
// keyToIndexes = snapshot.rel().getKeys().stream().collect( Collectors.toMap( k -> k, k -> snapshot.rel().getIndexes( k ) ) );
//keyToIndexes maps keyid to idx... (to know which key is an idx). Do i have to remove them from the key list? - see when building it to insert back? (for loop over all keys?) how do i get keyToIndexes map? havent figured out yet
//TODO(FF): so pro table je die drü gliiche indexes... nope
List<LogicalIndex> tableIndexes = snapshot.rel().getIndexes();
logicalIndex1.put( tableId, tableIndexes );

// Get the keyToIndexes map from the snapshot. maybe with the following?
//TODO(FF): still need to test it, since intellij again didnt recognize map and list...
//TODO(FF): yes this is the way: lischte met allne tables, aber nome bem rechtige table en lischte a indexes
List<LogicalIndex> logicalIdx = snapshot.rel().getIndexes( tableId, false );
logicalIndex2.put( tableId, logicalIdx );
logicalIndex.put( tableId, logicalIdx );

// get list of constraints for each table
//TODO(FF): does this get the right mapping? -> creates a constraint entry in map, which is empty... (do i want this?) -> bcs ns id statt tableid?
// but correctly, no fk, or pks listed in constraints (or indexes)
//List<LogicalConstraint> tableConstraints = snapshot.rel().getConstraints();
List<LogicalConstraint> tableConstraints = snapshot.rel().getConstraints( tableId );
constraints.put( tableId, tableConstraints );

Expand All @@ -169,8 +200,12 @@ private void getRelSchema() {
this.views = ImmutableMap.copyOf( views );
this.columns = ImmutableMap.copyOf( columns );
this.constraints = ImmutableMap.copyOf( constraints );
this.keysPerTable = ImmutableMap.copyOf( keysPerTable );
//for ( Long tableId : tables.keySet())
//this.keysPerTable = ImmutableMap.copyOf( keysPerTable );
this.primaryKeysPerTable = ImmutableMap.copyOf( primaryKeysPerTable );
this.foreignKeysPerTable = ImmutableMap.copyOf( foreignKeysPerTable );
this.logicalIndexes = ImmutableMap.copyOf( logicalIndex );

this.collectedRel = true;


Expand All @@ -179,6 +214,26 @@ private void getRelSchema() {
private void getGraphSchema() {

List<LogicalNamespace> graphNamespaces = n -> n.namespaceType == NamespaceType.GRAPH ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
this.graphNamespaces = graphNamespaces;

List<LogicalGraph> graphsFromNamespace = snapshot.graph().getGraphs( null);

//TODO(FF): can there only be one graph per namespace?
Map<Long, LogicalGraph> nsGraphs = new HashMap<>();

//for each graph get the namespaceId, see if it matches with the current namespace, and map the graph to the namespaceid
for (LogicalGraph graph : graphsFromNamespace) {
Long graphNsId = graph.getNamespaceId();

// map the namespaceId to the graph
nsGraphs.put( graphNsId, graph );

//safes the gathered information in the class variables
this.graphs = ImmutableMap.copyOf( nsGraphs );
this.collectedGraph = true;


Expand All @@ -187,6 +242,21 @@ private void getGraphSchema() {
private void getDocSchema() {

Map<Long, List<LogicalCollection>> nsCollections = new HashMap<>();
List<LogicalNamespace> docNamespaces = n -> n.namespaceType == NamespaceType.DOCUMENT ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
this.docNamespaces = docNamespaces;

for (LogicalNamespace namespace : docNamespaces) {
Long namespaceId = namespace.getId();

// get collections per namespace
List<LogicalCollection> collectionsFromNamespace = snapshot.doc().getCollections( namespaceId, null );
nsCollections.put( namespaceId, collectionsFromNamespace );

//safes the gathered information in the class variables
this.collections = ImmutableMap.copyOf( nsCollections );
this.collectedDoc = true;

//TODO (FF): either create getters (and setters?) or a "whole" getter class... to pass information to BackupManager
Expand All @@ -202,7 +272,8 @@ private void testPrint() {
log.debug( "views: " + views.toString() );
log.debug( "columns: " + columns.toString() );
log.debug( "constraints: " + constraints.toString() );
log.debug( "keysPerTable: " + keysPerTable.toString() );
log.debug( "primarykeysPerTable: " + primaryKeysPerTable.toString() );
log.debug( "foreignkeysPerTable: " + foreignKeysPerTable.toString() );
log.debug( "============================================= end print ==============================================" );

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