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Merge pull request #101 from jonico/allianz-more-efficient-automation #153

Merge pull request #101 from jonico/allianz-more-efficient-automation

Merge pull request #101 from jonico/allianz-more-efficient-automation #153

name: Postman Governance checks on branch
on: push
name: Governance checks and staging
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Get first example of company id in /companies/{:id} endpoint
id: get_first_example
uses: mikefarah/yq@master
cmd: yq '.paths.["/companies/{companyId}"].get.responses.'200'.content.application/' postman/schemas/index.yaml
# get all materials possible for material query paramter of /companies/{:id} endpoint
- name: Get all possible materials for material query parameter
id: get_all_materials
uses: mikefarah/yq@master
cmd: yq '.paths.["/companies/{companyId}"].get.parameters[] | select (.name == "material").schema.enum[]' postman/schemas/index.yaml
- name: Get all examples of companies endpoint
id: get_all_examples
uses: mikefarah/yq@master
cmd: yq '.paths./companies.get.responses.'200'.content.application/json.example[].id' postman/schemas/index.yaml
- name: Check if first company example is in all examples list
run: |
echo "First example in /companies/{:id} endpoint : ${{ steps.get_first_example.outputs.result }}"
echo "All examples: ${{ steps.get_all_examples.outputs.result }}"
if [[ "${{ steps.get_all_examples.outputs.result }}" =~ "${{ steps.get_first_example.outputs.result }}" ]]; then
echo "First example is in all examples list"
echo "First example is not in all examples list"
exit 1
- name: Check if all company examples are in data/companies.csv
if: false
run: |
allCompanies=$(cat data/companies.csv)
allExamples="${{ steps.get_all_examples.outputs.result }}"
echo "All companies in data/companies.csv: $allCompanies"
for company in $allExamples; do
if [[ "$allCompanies" =~ "$company" ]]; then
echo "Company $company is in data/companies.csv"
echo "Company $company is not in data/companies.csv"
exit 1
- name: Check if all materials are in data/companies.csv
if: false
run: |
allCompanies=$(cat data/companies.csv)
allMaterials="${{ steps.get_all_materials.outputs.result }}"
echo "All companies in data/companies.csv: $allCompanies"
for material in $allMaterials; do
if [[ "$allCompanies" =~ "$material" ]]; then
echo "Material $material is in data/companies.csv"
echo "Material $material is not in data/companies.csv"
exit 1
- name: Install Postman CLI
run: |
curl -o- "" | sh
- name: Login to Postman CLI
run: postman login --with-api-key ${{ secrets.POSTMAN_API_KEY }}
- name: Run Mock API tests on preview mock server if branch is not main
if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/main'
run: postman collection run "${{ github.workspace }}/postman/collections/Governance Checks.json" -e "${{ secrets.POSTMAN_ENV_MOCK }}" --integration-id "${{vars.POSTMAN_INTEGRATION_ID}}-${{ github.run_id }}" --iteration-data "data/companies.csv"
- name: Run Mock API tests on staging mock server if branch is main
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
run: postman collection run "${{ github.workspace }}/postman/collections/Governance Checks.json" -e "${{ secrets.POSTMAN_ENV_MOCK_STAGING }}" --integration-id "${{vars.POSTMAN_INTEGRATION_ID}}-${{ github.run_id }}" --iteration-data "data/companies.csv"
- name: Check API for security and compliance
run: postman api lint --integration-id ${{vars.POSTMAN_INTEGRATION_ID}}
# if branch is main, wait for staging environment to be ready
- name: Wait for staging env to be ready
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
uses: jonico/wait-for-deployment-action@v3
id: deployment
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
environment: aippealing-companies-staging
timeout: 60
interval: 3
# if branch is main, run contract tests on staging environment
- name: Run Contract tests on staging env
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
run: |
postman collection run "${{ github.workspace }}/postman/collections/(Generator) Contract Tests - OAS3.json" --integration-id "${{vars.POSTMAN_INTEGRATION_ID}}-${{ github.run_id }}" -e "${{ secrets.POSTMAN_ENV_CONTRACT_TESTING }}" --env-var "env-server="
# if branch is main, run integration tests on staging environment
- name: Run Integration tests on staging env
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
run: |
postman collection run "${{ secrets.POSTMAN_INTEGRATION_TESTS_COLLECTION }}" -e "${{ secrets.POSTMAN_ENV_STAGING }}" --iteration-data "data/companies.csv"