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Source code and data for registration algorithms developed within the Most-Likely Point and Deformable Most-Likely Point paradigms


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Most-Likely Point Paradigm

This repository provides data and source code for algorithms developed within the Most-Likely Point and Deformable Most-Likely Point paradigms described in the following papers:

IMLP: Seth D. Billings, Emad M. Boctor, and Russell H. Taylor, "Iterative Most-Likely Point Registration (IMLP): A Robust Algorithm for Computing Optimal Shape Alignment", PLOS One 10 (3): e0117688 (2015)

IMLOP: Seth D. Billings, Russell H. Taylor, "Iterative most likely oriented point registration", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8673: 178--185 (2014)

G-IMLOP: Seth D. Billings, Russell H. Taylor, "Generalized iterative most likely oriented-point (G-IMLOP) registration", International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 10 (8): 1213--1226 (2015)

P-IMLOP: Seth D. Billings, Hyun J. Kang, Alexis Cheng, Emad M. Boctor, Peter Kazanzides, Russell H. Taylor, "Minimally invasive registration for computer-assisted orthopedic surgery: combining tracked ultrasound and bone surface points via the P-IMLOP algorithm", International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 10 (6): 761--771 (2015)

D-IMLP: Ayushi Sinha, Seth D. Billings, Austin Reiter, Masaru Ishii, Gregory D. Hager, Russell H. Taylor, "The deformable most likely point paradigm", TBP

D-IMLOP: Ayushi Sinha, Seth D. Billings, Austin Reiter, Masaru Ishii, Gregory D. Hager, Russell H. Taylor, "The deformable most likely point paradigm", TBP

GD-IMLOP: Ayushi Sinha, Xington Liu, Austin Reiter, Masaru Ishii, Gregory D. Hager, Russell H. Taylor, "Endoscopic navigation in the absence of CT imaging", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2018)

NOTE: This repository also contains an implementation of ICP, directional ICP and robust ICP. Other algorithms evaluated in these papers, for which source code is not included in this repository, include:

NOTE: To run experiments described in the IMLP paper, go to Compile the source code following instructions there (or here) and run the experiments in the PLOSONE folder.

Required Software Dependencies

NOTE: Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64 was used successfully when creating this README. Visual Stuido 14 2015 Win64 did not work due to errors such as cisstNetlib_f2c.lib(endfile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp_sprintf. This issue has not been solved and it is recommended to build the cisstICP application using Visual Studio 2013.

Instructions for Compiling Dependencies

CISST Libraries:

  • Clone cisst repository from github

    git clone

    only jhu-cisst/cisst required (not cisst-saw, etc.)

  • Create a build directory cisst_build alongside (not inside) the cisst directory that was cloned from git

  • Create Visual Studio solution for CISST Libraries using CMake

    run CMake on cisst source directory with build directory set to cisst_build

    -- check boxes for libraries: CISST_cisstCommon, CISST_cisstVector, CISST_cisstNumerical, CISST_cisstOSAbstraction
    -- uncheck boxes for cisstMultitask, cisstMutliTask_, cisstParameterTypes, cisstRobot_ 
    -- check box for CISST_HAS_CISSTNETLIB 

    configure with Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64 as the compiler -- check box: CISSTNETLIB_DOWNLOAD_NOW

    configure and generate project

    open the cisst_build/cisst.sln file and build in Visual Studio with build mode set to Release and x64

WildMagic5 Libraries: These libraries are used solely for the closed-form implementation of computing the decomposition of a 3x3 covariance matrix. The libraries are no longer available online from their author, but they are included in the dependencies folder of the cisstICP repo.

  • Build WildMagic5

    extract source from the file located in the dependencies folder

    open the GeometricTools\WildMagic5\WildMagic5Wgl_VC120.sln file in Visual Studio and set build configurations to Release and x64

    compile Wm5Core.lib and Wm5Mathematics.lib by right clicking LibCore_VC120 and LibMathematics_VC120 and selecting build

  • See website of WildMagic5 for more instructions on this

Dlib Libraries:

  • Extract source from the dlib-a8.6.7z file located in the dependencies folder

Numerical Recipes:

  • License to use the source code for this must be bought (usually available on amazon along with the book)
  • Contact sinha(at)jhu(dot)edu for modifications in numerical recipes code once license is obtained

RPly Libraries:

  • Extract source from the file located in the dependencies folder

PLY_IO Libraries:

If using Matlab

  • Extract source from the PLY_IO file located in the dependencies/Matlab Dependencies folder

Instructions for Compiling Source Code

These instructions are based on the Windows platform with VisualStudio 2013. The output is a static library (cisstICP.lib).

Compile cisstICP Library:

  • Clone cisstICP repository from github

    git clone

  • Create a build directory cisstICP_build within the cisstICP directory that was cloned from git

  • run CMake on source directory cisstICP

    specify paths to cisstICP source code and build directories (cisstICP and cisstICP_build) and configure

    set cisst_DIR to location of CISST Library build cisst/cisst_build and configure again. If the compiled CISST libraries were found correctly by CMake, then CISST_USE_FILE should now automatically contain a path to the file Usecisst.cmake

    specify path to WildMagic5 base directory by setting WM5_BASE_DIR to cisstICP/dependencies/WildMagic5p13/GeometricTools/WildMagic5 (other WildMagic5 fields should auto-detect)

    set DLIB_INCLUDE to the path to the extracted dlib folder

    set RPLY_DIR to the path to cisstICP/dependencies/rply-1.1.4

    optionally, check USE_EXTRA_ALGORITHMS to include IMLP_CP (closest point), IMLP_MD (mahalanobis distance) and RobustICP in the build

    configure and generate project

  • Build cisstICP library in Visual Studio

    open cisstICP_build/cisstICP.sln

    build with build mode set to Release and x64

Compile cisstICP_App:

  • Create a build directory cisstICP_App_build within the cisstICP_App directory

    specify paths to cisstICP source code and build directories (cisstICP_App and cisstICP_App_build)

  • run CMake on source directory cisstICP_App and configure

    set cisst_DIR to the path to the cisst/cisst_build folder and configure again. If the compiled CISST libraries were found correctly by CMake, then CISST_USE_FILE should now automatically contain a path to the file Usecisst.cmake

    set DLIB_INCLUDE to the path to the extracted dlib folder.

    set WM5_BASE_DIR to the path to cisstICP/dependencies/WildMagic5p13/GeometricTools/WildMagic5

    set MATLAB_ENGINE_INCLUDE_DIR and MATLAB_ENGINE_LIB_DIR to your system paths for Matlab, such as C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2015a/extern/include and C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2015a/extern/lib/win64/microsoft (these paths will change depending on the Matlab version).

    set cisstICP_LIB to the path to /cisstICP/cisstICP_build/Release/cisstICP.lib

    set cisstICP_LIB_INCLUDE to the path to cisstICP/cisstICP

    configure again and Generate

  • Build cisstICP_App library in Visual Studio

    open the cisstICP_App_build/cisstICP_App.sln file in Visual Studio, set the build options to 'Release' and 'x64', and build the solution.

Compile matlabICP Library:

This library provides a Matlab interface to the C++ code of the cisstICP Library. This library is not maintained by me.

  • Create a matlabICP_build folder alongside the matlabICP folder in the cloned repo

    set CMake's source and build locations to these folders (matlabICP and matlabICP_build)

  • run CMake on source directory matlabICP and configure

    set cisst_DIR to the path to the cisst/cisst_build folder and configure again. If the compiled CISST libraries were found correctly by CMake, then CISST_USE_FILE should now automatically contain a path to the file Usecisst.cmake.

    set DLIB_INCLUDE to the path to the extracted dlib folder.

    set WM5_BASE_DIR to the path to cisstICP/dependencies/WildMagic5p13/GeometricTools/WildMagic5

    set MATLAB_ENGINE_INCLUDE_DIR and MATLAB_ENGINE_LIB_DIR to your system paths for Matlab, such as C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2015a/extern/include and C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2015a/extern/lib/win64/microsoft (these paths will change depending on the Matlab version).

    set cisstICP_LIB to the path to /cisstICP/cisstICP_build/Release/cisstICP.lib

    set cisstICP_LIB_INCLUDE to the path to cisstICP/cisstICP

    configure again and Generate

  • Build matlabICP library in Visual Studio

    open the matlabICP_build/matlabICP.sln file in Visual Studio, set the build options to 'Release' and 'x64', and build the solution.

  • Add to Matlab

    extract the /cisstICP/dependencies/MatlabDependencies/ and add it to your Matlab path.

    add /cisstICP/dependencies/MatlabDependencies/PLY_IO to your Matlab path. Note that the PLY_IO library code included here containes a bug fix for ply_read.m, changing line 571 from

        if ( ( nargin > 1 & strcmpi(Str,'Tri') ) || nargout > 2 )


        if ( ( nargin > 1 && strcmpi(Str,'Tri') ) || nargout > 2 )

NOTE: If you do not have the Numerical Recipes code, then the Matlab interface for GIMLOP will fail to compile (since GIMLOP will not have been compiled in the C++ library), giving an error. This is not a problem, as the Matlab interfaces for the other algorithms won't be affected and can still be used.

Test Run

  • cd to cisstICP_App/cisstICP_App_build/Release/ and run ICP_App via command line

    this should run the executable with default settings

  • Test whether everything is running correctly

    run the following commands:

    ICP_App --alg IMLP --out testingforrelease
    ICP_App --alg DIMLP --out testingforrelease
    ICP_App --alg IMLOP --out testingforrelease
    ICP_App --alg DIMLOP --out testingforrelease
    ICP_App --alg GIMLOP --out testingforrelease
    ICP_App --alg GDIMLOP --out testingforrelease
    ICP_App --alg PIMLOP --out testingforrelease 
  • cd into cisstICP_App/tests and run compare_outputs_script.m in Matlab. If all algorithms pass, then everything is running correctly. This is a good test to run when developing to make sure changes to the code have not broken anything

  • Test if the matlabICP libraries are working (if using Matlab)

    cd to matlabICP/TestApps/ and run App_Test_IMLOP.m in Matlab (not maintained)


Source code and data for registration algorithms developed within the Most-Likely Point and Deformable Most-Likely Point paradigms







No packages published


  • C++ 90.4%
  • MATLAB 7.6%
  • CMake 1.9%
  • C 0.1%