Note: source repository moved to
- Move to IAEA AME2020 for isotope mass
- Move to IUPAC CIAAW 2021 for atomic mass and isotopic abundance
- Move old mass/abundance tables into periodictable.mass_2001
- Li-6:Li-7 mass ratio changed from 12.2 to 19.6 (delta = 2.7%)
- Isotope abundance changed by 0.1 to 0.5 for B, Zn, Ge, Se, Mo, Er, Yb, Pt, Hg
- Atomic weight changed by 0.04% for Zn, 0.02% for S and 0.01% for Li, Ge, Se, Mo
- Fix typos in uncertainties in the neutron table (Zr-90, Te-124, Ba-138, Sm-147)
- Use correct activation for Pb-208 which was entered as barns rather than mbarns
- Use Aug 2023 update to X-ray scattering factors (Pt, Cr, Nb, Y, Er)
- Update physical constants to CODATA 2022. Values have changed by as much
as 1e-7 (relative) in Avogadro number, Planck constant, J/eV, electron radius,
electron mass, neutron mass and atomic mass constant. - Updated bound coherent scattering length for H-1, H-2, He-4, C-12,
O-16, O-17, O-18, Sn-119, Sm-154, Eu-153, Ir-191, Ir-193, Pb-207, Bi-209 - Neutron b_c changed for Zn-70 from 6.9 to 6.0 (fixes a typo in the table)
- Updated total cross section for He, Kr, Xe
- Use log-log interpolation for X-ray f''
Breaking changes:
- Remove Z=0 (bare neutron) from the PeriodicTable iterator.
- Replace
(eV s) with
See README.rst for complete history.