An Angular Directive for jsTree
Install using bower
$ bower i jstree-directive
Building a Web Based File Browser with jsTree, Angularjs and Expressjs
PS : Do note that if you want to make your app 100% Angular, load the jsTree Javascript source using an Angular provider as a dependency to jstree.directive.
<js-tree tree-id="treeId" tree-data="scope" tree-model="treeData" tree-instance="treeInstance" tree-plugins="checkbox" tree-events="ready:readyCB"></div>
<js-tree tree-config="dataTreeConfig"></div>
$scope.dataTreeConfig =
treeId : "treeName",
treeInstance : "treeNameInstance",
treePlugins : "table,sort,contextmenu",
// Default sort function for folders>files
sort : function(a,b){
return a>b
treeContextmenu : "contextMenu",
treeEvents : "select_node:nodeSelected;ready:selectFirstNode;move_node:moveNode"