Here we uploaded the files to analyze the impact of COVID among patients with hematologic malignancies. The code is written in Python, and has plenty of comments.
We have uploaded the source file and several datasets that can be imported. Note that we are not allowed (due to a contract with our Government) to upload the main source file (it includes personal data).
After importing libraries, please skip to line 38 (note that lines 13 to 33 cannot be run because the main source file is missing). Uncomment line 38 an run the code. We recommend run this code in Jupyter Notebook or in Google Colab. Please, split the code in chunks and run them so.
Lines 126 to 134 cannot be run, either, because ther is a call to a non-imported dataframe. Do not worry: uncomment lines 138 and 139 and then run the code.
Files that can be uploaded and are included in this repository:
- ingresos.csv
- exitus.csv
- exitus1.csv
- piramide.csv
- Figures/
Updated: 19 March 2024