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MBELT draft


Multi blockchain ETL solution is an interoperability-first data warehouse with graphQL API capable to provide application-specific data, designed to reduce cost as well as simplify the process of building wallets, dashboards, explorers and apps that interact with multiple blockchains connected through an interchain communication protocol.


  • Support extract and store data from Polkadot, Kusama and Parachains
  • GraphQL API built with Hasura
  • Docker-compose setup for easy deployment of the ETL and API solution
  • Materialised views for Postgresql
  • Redash with built-in dashboards


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Make (optional)
  • Python

Ram requirements

  • streamer: 2Gb
  • Postgresql: 1Gb

You need Polkadot or Kusama node in archive mode with an open websocket interface.

Docker service should be started first.

Also python need to be installed installed.


Docker installation

1. Update package:
sudo apt update

2. Install package for HTTPS:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
3. Add GPG-key for Docker:

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
4. Add repository for Docker:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"

5. Update package:

sudo apt update
6. Switc to Docker repository and install:

apt-cache policy docker-ce

7. Install Docker:

sudo apt install docker-ce

8. Check installation:

sudo systemctl status docker

Output info:
docker install ubuntu
Docker install Ubuntu

10. Add user to Docker group (not required):

sudo usermod -aG docker ${user}

11. Input (not required):

su - ${user}

Add user password (not required):

12. Check Docker image:

docker run hello-world

You must see «Hello from Docker!»

Python installation

1. Update package:
sudo apt update

2. Install python:
sudo apt install python3-pip

3. Check version:
python3 -V

Python 3.8.2

Other packages

In additional following package also must to be installed

sudo apt install git

pip install docker-compose

Quick Start

git clone

cd polkadot-profit-transformer

cp docker/env/.streamer.env.example docker/env/.streamer.env
cp docker/env/.postgres.env.example docker/env/.postgres.env
cp docker/env/.redash.env.example docker/env/.redash.env
cp docker/env/.hasura.env.example docker/env/.hasura.env

make up

Then whole blocks sync begins.

Sync process continues for a few days (about 1M blocks/day)


To monitor streamer status, you can use API on port, defined in ./docker/env/.streamer.env (3000 by default)

API is protected with Basic Auth:

user: admin

password: password as REST_API_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD in .streamer.env

API methods - responses {"status":"live"} if healthy - responses {"status":"preloading in progress","currentBlockId":301790} or "listening for finalized blocks" if preloading finished - manually process blockId

After preload completed, the streamer will switch to the finalized blocks listening.


Open-source Hasura edition used.

Initial Hasura metadata placed in ./hasura directory

Hasura deploed by directives placed in docker-compose.yml

Currently we use out-of-the-box settings, so you should set up limit/offset in queries. Usage without limits could lead to memory-based errors.

By default Hasura works on port 8001 (set your own port in docker-compose.yml), and protected by password myadminsecretkey as HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET in .hasura.env


During the sync and after the sync ended, you can use Redash to work with data.

Open your browser https://localhost:5000, then login to Redash:

Login: [email protected]

Password: supersecret123

Make commands

up Create and run all containers

ps Show containers

stop Stop all containers

clean Remove force all containers

How it works

Project structure

├── db: schema to spin up postrges db
├── db-data: external docker volume for postgres data
├── docker
│   └── env: .env for docker (with examples)
├── hasura: hasura initial metadata (place migrations here)
├── main
│   └── src
│       ├── apps
│       │   ├── common
│       │   ├── debug-app: temp app for pre-fill of needed data
│       │   └── main: main application
│       ├── modules
│       │   ├── governance-processor
│       │   │   └── processors
│       │   │       ├── events
│       │   │       ├── extrinsics
│       │   │       └── utils
│       │   ├── identity-processor: processor to track account identities events
│       │   ├── staking-processor: track validators/nominators data
│       │   └── streamer: initial preloader and finalized block processor
│       └── utils
├── redash_dashboard: pre-installation data for redash
    └── queries

Database structure

DB shema is desribed in ./db directory

It is used as entrypoint SQL when Postgres started by ./db/Dockerfile from ./docker-compose.yml


  • Streamer
    • Preload all blocks before head and send them to the Block Processor
    • Listen for finalized blocks and send them to the Block Processor
  • Block Processor
    • Get block data from chain
    • Extract extrinsics and send them to the
      • Extrinsics Processor
        • Check if extrinsic successfull
        • Recursive extract nested calls for the next extrinsic types
          • multisig
          • proxy
          • batch
        • form extrinsic model for DB
    • Extract events and send them to the
      • Events Processor
        • form event model for DB
    • Save block data in DB
    • Save extrinsics data in DB
    • Save events data in DB
    • Send block data to the Event Bus
  • Event Bus
    • In-memory simple bus for additional processors subscriptions
    • Could be replaced by some EventBus/MessageBroker solutions
  • Additional Processors
    • Staking Processor
    • Identity Processor
    • Governance Processor

Mbelt structure diagram

Mbelt structure diagram

Additional Processors

Processors make additional data processing and enrichments. We've created EventBus and send events with data in ./modules/streamer/block-processor.ts

Processors subscribe to the EventBus events in the main app igniter ./apps/main/index.ts

eventBus.register('eraPayout', stakingProcessor.addToQueue)

eventBus.register('identityEvent', identityProcessor.processEvent)
// etc

Staking Processor

This processor calculates on EraPaid event next data:

  • General Era payout data in eras table
  • Validators data in validators table
  • Nominators data in nominators table

Identity Processor

This processor creates account record in account_identity table and updates account identity info, listening to the identity change events.

Governance Processor

This processor listen to the governance extrinsics and events and save data to the next tables:

  • council_proposal
  • democracy_proposal
  • democracy_referenda
  • technical_committee_proposal
  • tips
  • treasury_proposal
  • preimage

To reduce tables amount, we store this data slighlty denormalized, e.g. for proposals we store events such as proposed, approved, executed as well as Votes records from 'vote' extrinsics.

It is possible to extract all data from this storage by the SQL queries and/or GraphQL queries.

How to add additional processor

To add an additional processor:

  • create new tables in DB to store processed data
  • add Knex models to the models folder
  • add DB repository to the postgres repos folder
  • create processor folder in the modules folder
  • add processor files similar to the other processors
  • initialize repository and processor in app ignitor
  • add event name to the EventName enum in EventBus
  • dispatch event with necessary data via eventBus.dispatch
    • do it in Block Processor with event or extrinsic call, selected by section/method
    • you can find existing dispatches here
  • subscribe your processor hanlders on the target events in app ignitor

We've added README file to the identity processor with the detailed explanation of how this processor works

How to add new chain to the platform

Currently we added Moonbeam network to the streamer.

Due to the custom metadata we created the moonbeam brahcn in the repo with changed polkadot api initialization and removed staking-related queries.

In general you can spin up a new process of streamer with changed SUBSTRATE_URI in .env

Streamer will see if this network exists in in the networks table, if not - new network record will be created, and new data will be stored in the DB with the new network_id value.


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  • TypeScript 94.2%
  • Python 2.8%
  • Makefile 1.0%
  • Shell 0.7%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%
  • JavaScript 0.5%
  • Smarty 0.1%