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Visual Studio 2022 Nuke License MIT Build

Nuke Tool Generator for NuGetKeyVaultSignTool.

The NuGetKeyVaultSignTool was add to the Nuke release 9.0.3.

Tool CodeGenerator

To create a new tool, you need to use the GenerateCode method in the Nuke.Tooling.Generator package to convert the .json file configuration into a .Generated.cs file.

The NuGetKeyVaultSignTool.json file was based in the AzureSignTool.json and is used to autogenerate the NuGetKeyVaultSignTool.Generated.cs.

The GenerationToolsTests.cs have a unit test to generate all the .json inside the Tools folder and generate the .Generated.cs files.


The NuGetKeyVaultSignTool.Generated.cs file contain the NuGetKeyVaultSignToolTasks class with the following tasks:

NuGetKeyVaultSignToolTasks.NuGetKeyVaultSignTool(x => x


To use the NuGetKeyVaultSignToolTasks inside a nuke project you need to install the NuGetKeyVaultSignTool package in your project.

    <PackageDownload Include="NuGetKeyVaultSignTool" Version="[3.2.3]" />

Unit Test

To unit test the NuGetKeyVaultSignToolTasks still need to install the PackageDownload in the project, but is necessary to setup a environment variable to be able to find the NuGetKeyVaultSignToolTasks.NuGetKeyVaultSignToolPath.

string userFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
string nuGetKeyVaultSignToolPath = Path.Combine(userFolder, ".nuget\\packages\\nugetkeyvaultsigntool\\3.2.3\\tools\\net6.0\\any\\NuGetKeyVaultSignTool.dll");
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("NUGETKEYVAULTSIGNTOOL_EXE", nuGetKeyVaultSignToolPath);


To simplify the configuration to sign with Azure Key Vault two environment variables are used AZURE_KEY_VAULT_FILE and AZURE_KEY_VAULT_PASSWORD.


The AZURE_KEY_VAULT_FILE is a json with the base configuration of the certificated in the Azure Key Vault:

    "AzureKeyVaultCertificate": "AzureKeyVaultCertificate",
    "AzureKeyVaultUrl": "AzureKeyVaultUrl",
    "AzureKeyVaultClientId": "AzureKeyVaultClientId",
    "AzureKeyVaultTenantId": "AzureKeyVaultTenantId",
    "TimestampUrl" : ""
    "TimestampDigest" : "sha256"

The TimestampUrl and TimestampDigest are optional.


The AZURE_KEY_VAULT_PASSWORD is the AzureKeyVaultClientSecret of the certificate.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

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