MSc. (DSE UoY) project documentation and partial source code
- My contribution was the imeplementation of a software-based audio decoder (libmad-mp3, adpcm) and software/hardware integration and testing within the overall project. Opensource audio decoders were ported as part of this project.
Please check Individual Project report included in /Documentation/ for full description of project.
(NB: some files may be fragmented/corrupted as my hard disk failed before pushing to git)
Bellow are a list source code that are included in this folder:
ADPCM Encoder - runnable on a PC. Contains original source code for Encoder+Decoder
ADPCM Decoder ported to the MicroBlaze platform (adpcm.c, adpcm.h) includes interface functions
GUI tool developed in Python, used for ADPCM encoder (on the PC)
Test Application, used to test the Libmad MP3 decoder on the Spartan 3E FPGA Cache enabled MicroBlaze
Bootloader Test Application. Attempts to load application code from PROM to SDRAM