Releases: scm-spain/slippin-jimmy
Releases · scm-spain/slippin-jimmy
Hotfix 3.0.1/Fixed Tlacuilo for single .yml file
Release 3.0.0/Added 'local' mode for Hersir
- Removed to avoid coupling with our templates definition
- Removed swamp & hdfs_deploy_folder params from Tlacuilo to avoid coupling, they should be used as --extra parameters now
- Added -l --local mode to run Hersir from inside EMR (no AWS or ssh calls should be used)
- Added -j --job-file-name on Cooper to be able to avoid interactive mode if one knows which .properties file should be called by Oozie
- Now if "hdfs_deploy_folder" variablre is present on the configuration files, it will be used as the HDFS deploy folder for Anabasii. If not, you can still provide the deploy folder via -d HDFS_DEPLOY_FOLDER.
- Updated requirements.txt to add new cx_Oracle version 6.1 (Dec 2017)
Feature/2.1.0: Tlacuilo support infering EMR config
Feature/2.1.0: Tlacuilo support infering EMR config
- Now the Tlacuilo module asks for EMR ID if you specify the --interactive flag, so there's no longer need to pass EMR-related parameters (like private IP) when calling Hersir with --extra parameters.
Release 2.0
Release 2.0
- Deprecated all Hive & Sqoop parameters from Scribe generation. If still want to be used, you should go back to tag 1.7.0.
feature 1.7.0/Adding .py spark scripts on workflows
- Added new "auto" feature for Tlacuilo/Hersir: if there are any .py files inside the folders where the .yml selected files are located, they'll be "packed" on the generated workflow, under workflow_root_folder/lib/ path. This way one can start using pyspark scripts on new workflows easily.
Hotfix/1.6.6 Updated required pymssql version
- Updated required pymssql version to 2.1.3 to avoid errors when installing slippinj.
hotfix/1.6.5 Updated required psycopg2 versions
- Updated requirements.txt file to force newer psycopg2 version to avoid pg_config issues w/ Docker
hotfix/1.6.4 Force required libs versions
- Modified requirements.txt to enforce lib versions to avoid non retro-compatible upgrades.
- Removed apt-get update from travis.yml to fasten the build.
Hotfix 1.6.3/Postgresql driver adapted to be able to extract data from Amazon Redshift
Merge pull request #32 from scm-spain/hotfix/docker-oracle Fix on Dockerfile:
Hotfix 1.6.2/Oracle driver fix: system columns being added on .yml
- System columns being added on .yml files when they shouldn't.
- Added check for numeric types to determine if should be mapped as double or bigint on Hive.