- branch out from org.cloudsky.cordovaplugin.ipay88 git
- change to latest SDK v1.0.5.1
- add in requery function to get payment status from IPay88
- add in some params neccessary for requery function to work
- Make Payment
amount: 123 // int amount to charge in cents. 123 = 1.23
name: "payee name"
email: "payee email address"
phone: "payee phone number"
refNo: "reference number for this transaction"
currency: "MYR" | ...
lang: "ISO-8859-1" | "UTF-8" | ...
country: "MY" | "PH" | ... // iPay88 gateway country
description: "description of the product"
remark: "remarks for the transaction"
paymentId: "ipay payment id"
merchantKey: "ipay merchant key"
merchantCode: "ipay merchant code"
backendPostUrl: "http://..." // The URL which iPay will call from their
// servers upon successful payment.
function (resp) {
// Success callback
// resp = {
// transactionId: transId,
// referenceNo: refNo,
// amount: amount,
// remarks: remarks,
// authCode: auth,
// }
function (err) {
// Failure callback
// err = "some error string" OR
// err = {
// transactionId: transId,
// referenceNo: refNo,
// amount: amount,
// remarks: remarks,
// err: error message, // "canceled" if user canceled the payment.
// }
- Requery
amount: $scope.data.Amount,
refNo: $scope.data.RefID,
merchantCode: 'M04215'
Alert(JSON.stringify(res), 'Operation Success');
Alert(JSON.stringify(err), 'Operation failed');
```"# cordova-plugin-seepot-ipay88"