Hardsploit is an innovative hardware security testing platform designed to aid security researchers, engineers, and auditors in analyzing and evaluating the security of hardware devices. Featuring a modular design, Hardsploit supports various interfaces like JTAG, SPI, I2C, and UART, allowing for extensive hardware testing and reverse engineering.
This guide will help you quickly get started with Hardsploit, covering the necessary prerequisites and installation steps.
To be able to start using Hardsploit, make sure that you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Python v3.9 or later
- A Linux machine (tested on Ubuntu, Kali and Raspberry Pi OS)
Install the hardsploit API.
pip install hardsploit
To learn more about how to use the API, check our Wiki
Copy file in data folder to udevadm system folder /lib/udev/rules.d/.
sudo cp data/50-Hardsploit.rules /lib/udev/rules.d/.
Verify that user is in plugdev group
groups "user"
Else add user to plugdev groupe
adduser "user" plugdev
Force system context reload
sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger
If this does not work then reboot.
This project has been developed using the following technologies:
- Python (Programming language used for project development.)
- Poetry (Dependency management tool for Python projects.)
- Pyusb (Library for USB access on Python, allowing easy communication with USB devices.)
- Colorama (Library for colored terminal text in Python, enhancing readability of console output.)
Hardsploit is licensed under *LGPLv3*. See the LICENSE file for more information.