check out my twitter to see this project working!
=> pip install bs4
=> pip install requests
=> pip install tweepy
- then, create a twitter developer account, and create a new app
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("YOS0DjxdDN3JcVZWSM8fzlrOQ", "dAt2hhJgV5M06BiOPZRxxEtEnMU85oOWF1CN8tpD3xsFolfnmN")
auth.set_access_token("1046043340196761602-JILFVkGovrZgVXNXoJmqMz1yAbLydI", "CjYSI8CfilrWfdj4cBN3lEKxzT7eAkfdLdWnfhkHy9gL1")
- replace the strings in the code above with your own api and consumer keys and tokens (don't try to run it with my keys... i obviously regenerated them and these keys don't work anymore :))