一.硬件 ESP32 老五家的128*96的HUB75E接口像素屏(需要拆焊原有芯片)
二.拆焊屏幕原有芯片 固定用的UV胶可以轻松用一字螺丝刀拆下。
模块拆卸方法: 使用粗铜线+大量锡 焊接到原有芯片的邮票孔上,为了导热 因为原有芯片下面有个片铁氟龙贴,有间距。 用一把螺丝刀,塞在间距中。 拆焊之前,在屏幕下面放一个导热硅脂,或导热铜片,防止led灯损坏。 拆焊时,两头分别用电烙铁加热到焊锡熔化。
三.连接ESP32开发板引脚到屏幕 屏幕使用hub75e 32扫的64*96的2块屏。 以为使用32扫 所以E_PIN需要引出 #define R1_PIN 25 #define G1_PIN 26 #define B1_PIN 27 #define R2_PIN 14 #define G2_PIN 12 #define B2_PIN 13 #define A_PIN 23 #define B_PIN 19 #define C_PIN 5 #define D_PIN 17 #define E_PIN 32 #define LAT_PIN 4 #define OE_PIN 15 #define CLK_PIN 16
四.程序部分 // 项目地址:https://github.com/jnthas/clockwise git clone项目 使用platformio烧录调试
五.修改HUB75E驱动库 // 接口库地址:https://github.com/mrfaptastic/ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA#2-wiring-esp32-with-the-led-matrix-panel 因为屏幕硬件比较奇怪,原有驱动库需要修改一下代码
修改这个文件ESP32-VirtualMatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h 找到return coords;这行代码 在它上面加入下面代码 if(coords.x>=0 and coords.x<96 and coords.y>=0 and coords.y<32){ coords.x = coords.x + 96; }else if(coords.x>=0 and coords.x<96 and coords.y>=32 and coords.y<64){ coords.y = coords.y - 32; }else if(coords.x>=96 and coords.x<192 and coords.y>=0 and coords.y<32){ coords.y = coords.y + 32; }else if(coords.x>=96 and coords.x<192 and coords.y>=32 and coords.y<64){ coords.x = coords.x - 96; }
六.修改时钟主题适配屏幕分辨率 1.cw-gfx-engine/Game.h const int DISPLAY_WIDTH = 96; const int DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 128;
2.cw-commons/StatusController.h void clockwiseLogo() { // Locator::getDisplay()->drawRGBBitmap(1, 1, epd_bitmap_clockwise64, 63, 21); Locator::getDisplay()->drawRGBBitmap(16, 1, epd_bitmap_clockwise64, 63, 21); }
void wifiConnecting()
// Locator::getDisplay()->fillRect(0, 24, 64, 52, 0);
// Locator::getDisplay()->drawBitmap(16, 24, CW_STATUS_WIFI, 32, 32, 0x2459);
// printCenter("Connecting WiFi", 61);
Locator::getDisplay()->fillRect(0, 32, 96, 52, 0);
Locator::getDisplay()->drawBitmap(32, 32, CW_STATUS_WIFI, 32, 32, 0x2459);
printCenter("Connecting WiFi", 88);
void wifiConnectionFailed(const char *msg)
// Locator::getDisplay()->fillRect(0, 24, 64, 52, 0);
// Locator::getDisplay()->drawBitmap(16, 24, CW_STATUS_WIFI, 32, 32, 0xFA28);
// printCenter(msg, 61);
Locator::getDisplay()->fillRect(0, 32, 96, 52, 0);
Locator::getDisplay()->drawBitmap(32, 32, CW_STATUS_WIFI, 32, 32, 0xFA28);
printCenter(msg, 88);
void ntpConnecting()
// Locator::getDisplay()->fillRect(0, 24, 64, 52, 0);
// Locator::getDisplay()->drawBitmap(16, 24, CW_STATUS_NTP, 32, 32, 0xBCBF);
// printCenter("NTP Server", 61);
Locator::getDisplay()->fillRect(0, 32, 96, 52, 0);
Locator::getDisplay()->drawBitmap(32, 32, CW_STATUS_NTP, 32, 32, 0xBCBF);
printCenter("NTP Server", 88);
void printCenter(const char *buf, int y)
int16_t x1, y1;
uint16_t w, h;
Locator::getDisplay()->getTextBounds(buf, 0, y, &x1, &y1, &w, &h);
// Locator::getDisplay()->setCursor(32 - (w / 2), y);
Locator::getDisplay()->setCursor(48 - (w / 2), y);
// 画图板:https://editor.clockwise.page/ // 在线图片转位图:https://javl.github.io/image2cpp/