Stream Collector 2.4.0 released
This release moves the SSL configuration from the config file to the JVM system properties.
All components were given a minimal configuration file in examples.
Telemetry data collection is enabled. Only application name and version are send every hour by default.
Make it possible to configure the collector without a file (#173)
Add telemetry (#167)
Handle LimitExceededException when testing if stream exists (#174)
Include aws-java-sdk-sts to enable web token authentication (#169)
Use sbt-dynver to set application version (#166)
Publish arm64 and amd64 docker images (#165)
Change docker base image to adoptopenjdk:11-jre-hotspot-focal (#164)
Use JRE defaults for https configuration (#163)
Bump akka-http to 10.2.6 (#162)
Bump akka to 2.6.16 (#161)