- API Library: CycloneTCP by Oryx-Embedded . All the used sources are contained in the my_web_socket folder and the corresponding head folder
- IDE: editing with STM32CubeIDE v.1.0.1 is strongly recommended, which is the code generator used for the general initialization and maintenance of the firmware. ATTENTION: main.c file has not been created by the IOC, but imported from the demo provided by ......., therefore the main.c file which should be backupped and overwritten after every the re-generation
- BOARD: STM32-NUCLEOF746ZG which is an ST eval board with STM32F4-series MCU and ETHERNET peripheral
- Set the 3 macros APP_SERVER_NAME, APP_SERVER_PORT, APP_SERVER_URI of your Web Socket Server. If you don't yet have one, use respectively {"echo.websocket.org", 80, "/"}
- connect to the serial port to follow the debugging
- press the user button to start a connection