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Service - Neo4j graph database with all StarPep peptides pre-loaded.


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Neo4j StarPep Graph Database

This repository contains the code to build the Neo4j database's Docker Image.

Currently, the image is pre-built with the database content. It is also set as Read Only.


In order to develop for this repository you need:


First, clone this repository:

git clone


Before you decide to modify the database, make sure that you have deleted the starPep.db folder and file in your local directory.

In order to modify the database, a local database instance should be started up with the following command:

For linux/amd64:

docker run -it --name local-neo4j --rm -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -v $(pwd)/starPep.db:/output -v $(pwd)/neo4j.editable.conf:/conf/neo4j.conf --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none local-starpep/neo4j-db:latest /bin/bash

For linux/arm64:

docker run -it --name local-neo4j --rm -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -v $(pwd)/starPep.db:/output -v $(pwd)/neo4j.editable.conf:/conf/neo4j.conf --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none local-starpep/neo4j-db:latest /bin/bash
  1. First, run the neo4j start command inside the container.
  2. Modify the database.
  3. Stop the database with the neo4j stopcommand inside the container.

Since the database is constructed from a zip file with the database, any modifications should be exported as a zip.

In order to do this, with the database's docker container up, run the following command on the host:

docker exec -it local-neo4j cp -r /data/databases/graph.db/. /output && zip -r starPep.db/*

You can now close the original container with the exit command.

You now have a new file with the updated database, which should be committed to this repo.

You can then rebuild the image:

For linux/amd64:

docker build  --no-cache -f amd64.Dockerfile -t local-starpep/neo4j-db:latest .

For linux/arm64:

docker build  --no-cache -f arm64.Dockerfile -t local-starpep/neo4j-db:latest-arm .

And use it as normal.


If you're developing this on your local machine, consider building the Docker image with the following command:

For linux/amd64:

docker build  --no-cache -f amd64.Dockerfile -t local-starpep/neo4j-db:latest .

For linux/arm64:

docker build  --no-cache -f arm64.Dockerfile -t local-starpep/neo4j-db:latest-arm .

You can create a new container to try it out with the following command:

For linux/amd64:

docker run -it --rm -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -e NEO4J_AUTH=none local-starpep/neo4j-db:latest

For linux/arm64:

docker run -it --rm -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -e NEO4J_AUTH=none local-starpep/neo4j-db:latest-arm

And done, the web manager should be reachable at http://localhost:7474 and your database reachable at bolt://localhost:7687.


Consider checking this docker-compose.yml for an example on how to run this image in production.


Service - Neo4j graph database with all StarPep peptides pre-loaded.





