a command line tool to do speedtest.net tests with Nagios output.
- Linux (for Ubuntu run install.sh for dependency)
- Mac OSX
edit "speedTest.conf.php"
define('LATENCY_ROUNDS', 5); //How many time do the latency test for server define('TIMEOUT_LATENCY',5); //Timeout for latency request define('TIMEOUT_UPLOAD_DOWNLOAD',1000); //Timeout for download/upload requests define( 'SERVER_LIST_URL',"http://c.speedtest.net/speedtest-servers-static.php"); //Url to retrieve the servers list $maxDistance=100; //Max distance in km used by servers filter when you don't specify the location $tmpdir = '/tmp/'; //temp folder used to download test files $downloadSizes=array(2000); //Specify the size for download images, it download one image for size $uploadSizes=array(10M); //Specify the size for upload file, it automatic create it if needed. $smallDownloadSizes=array(750); //Specify the size for download images for small test, it download one image for size $smallUploadSizes=array(2M); //Specify the size for upload file for small test, it automatic create it if needed.
--getlist Download the list server. --location=[server location] Tell server localtion example 'cesena'. If not specified it find the best sever in 100km. --server=[server url] Specify a custom url server --nobest Don't find the best server, execute test on all servers. You need to specify a location. --proxy=[host:port] Force using defined proxy server. --noproxy Force NOT using even if define the env http_proxy. --nagios Force Nagios output, verbose still disabled --smalltest Execute test with small upload and download files. --verbose Execute script with verbose loggin, no Nagios output. --help|-h|-? This help.
./test.php do test with best server in 100km. ./test.php --location=rome do test with best server located in Rome. ./test.php --location=rome --nobest do test with all servers located in Rome. ./test.php --server="" do test with the server url specified, useful for lan tests. ./test.php --server="" --smalltest do small test with the server url specified, useful for lan tests.