npm i bulkcache -S
Allows painlessly cache request reuslt or any result that have a unique id. Saves client/service resources by minizing network request, and requested content.
import { Cache, FilterFunction } from 'bulkcache';
interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
email: string;
function idGetter(user: User) {
async function fetch(id: number) {
return await YourAPI.fetchUser(id);
async function bulkFetch(ids: number[]) {
return await YourAPI.fetchALotOfUsers(ids);
function allIWantIsANameFilter(user: User) {
const cache = new Cache(idGetter, fetch, bulkFetch);
// open your Chrome Developer tools, witness miracles!
console.log(await cache.fetch(1)); // this should produce one network request
console.log(await cache.fetch(1)); // this should not produce any network request
cache.fetch(2);// this should produce one network request. NOTICE!!!, we did not wait for its network request to return
console.log(await cache.fetch(2)); // this should not produce any network request
console.log(await cache.batchGet([1, 2])) // this should not produce any network request
console.log(await cache.batchGet([1, 2, 3, 4])) // this should produce one network request with batch requerst for id 3 and 4.
Issues and PRs are welcome! If you feel any functionalities that are crucial, you are also welcome to submit an Issue about it.