Winning soultion for IBM's TechToProtect Challenege! Built in conjunction with Web Application, Iot Device, and Mobile Application. Click here for information
The Tech to Protect coding hacakthon is designed to inspire participants to connect, collaborate, and create technologies of the future for public safety. Solidarity, provides an integrated, all in one platform for Emergency Responders to locate each other and detect when they are in danger. This repo contains code for our back-end.
- Raspbery PI outfitted with sensor to detect elevations in temperature
- User will be alerted visual alert when temperatures rise
- User will be alerted auido alert when temperatures rise
- IMB's text to speach API
- IBM Cloud
- Python
- Andrew O’Grady - aogrady3
- Visnu Ravi - vishnuravi
- Vincent Tse - Greashun
- David P - droza
- Nayyif OUSSAMATOU - bkkenzo
Watch our demo presentation below: