pos is project based on laravel framework 5.7 with AdminLTE 3 dashboard to manage your store
After all you need to setup your environment for php and database for that i use Laragon
you need also Composer Dependency Manager for PHP and git control system
go to Gitthub website and login or register to an account
go to your Terminal and look for folder Laragon and sub folder www and run this command
git clone https://github.com/tooinfinity/magapos.git
this ask to login to bitbucket put you username and password
wait until finiched setting up
Open your terminal go to your project directory and run this command
composer install
this command install all dependency of laravel in your project
Open your terminal go to your project directory and run this command
npm install
this command install all dependency of laravel in your project
<-- you need to install NodeJs in your pc to get npm command run -->
cp .env.example .env
This will create a copy of the .env.example file in your project and name the copy simply .env
Laravel requires you to have an app encryption key which is generally randomly generated and stored in your .env file Do that with this command
php artisan key:generate
Create an empty database for your project using the database tools you prefer (heidiSQL)
In the .env file fill in the
DB_DATABASE=your database name
DB_USERNAME=your database username
DB_PASSWORD=your database password
options to match the credentials of the database you just created. This will allow us to run migrations and seed the database in the next step.
Once your credentials are in the .env file, now you can migrate your database.
run this separately with two command
Migrate :
php artisan migrate
Seed :
php artisan db:seed
do that with one command :
php artisan migrate:fresh seed
- Laratrust (Laravel 5 Package)
- laravel-localization Easy localization for Laravel by mcamara
- SweetAlert2 for Laravel 5.x by Rashid Ali
- Intervention Image PHP image handling and manipulation
- .....
- AdminLTE3 Dashboard Template
- fontawesome-free Font Icon Template
- Select2.js a customizable select box
- OnScan.js On-scan events for hardware barcode scanners in vanilla JS
- .....
- create a backup and restore for this application
- create printing system for my app
- Multipe and Soft Delete for Some featured actions
- New Design with dark mode toggle
- ............
- delete category spending
- fix layout not fit properly