Updated Jan . 2021
sed '1d' GenoRealAUS-50k_compbio.txt > test_genos
tail -n +2 GenoRealAUS-50k_compbio.txt > test_genos
gawk '{gsub("-","",$4)}1' 9913_ARS1.2_777962_HD_marker_name_180910.map | sed 's/ /\t/g' > tempHD
gawk 'BEGIN {print "ID Chip Calls..."}; {print $0}' genotype_FINAL.txt > temp0
head -n 5 test_genos | cut -c-30
gawk 'NR>1 {printf "%s ", $1 ;{ for(i=1;i<=length($3);i++) {if(i!=length($3)) printf "%s ",substr($3,i,1); else if(i==length($3)) printf "%s\n",substr($3,i,1) }}}' file.gen
gawk '{if($3=="I" || $4=="I") print $3"_"$4 }'file.txt | sort | uniq
grep -v ^\# test.txt | grep .
sed 's/.$//' test.txt
gawk '{print $1}' file.txt | uniq -D
gawk -F'\t' 'NF!=5 {print}' infile > newfile
sed 's/ *$//' > masterkey.txt
will print any line where the third field contains Foo. (Changing print $0 to print $3 would print only that third field)
awk -F';' '$3 ~ /Foo/ { print $0 }' file.txt