Late Jan Release
Release Notes - TrueNTH - Version Late Jan Release
- [TN-184] - Consider staff registration workflow w/out DOB
- [TN-311] - TN USA - Printing Symptom Tracker clinical report and domain-specific graphs: unreadable at small window sizes
- [TN-329] - ePROMs - Duplicate questionnaires in the Session History in IE11
- [TN-397] - Missing constraint on user_identifiers
- [TN-435] - TNUSA - red bars appearing on Truenth home page in windows laptop.
- [TN-504] - ePROMs - Timezone for a patient defaults to UTC after consent (interview)
- [TN-507] - ePROMs - The 'Start Questionnaire' button is not centered on the interstitial page
- [TN-534] - ePROMs - Unable to scroll the page up after checking the website consent checkboxes
- [TN-544] - ePROMs - Incorrect expiry date for 6 month PROMs (IRONMAN)
- [TN-573] - ePROMs - Unable to change the consent date
- [TN-629] - TN USA - Exercise & Diet GIL portal page still shows login/create modal when user clicks START while logged in
- [TN-157] - ePROMs - Update 'About Us' content from Python to LifeRay
- [TN-288] - ePROMs - reminder emails sent before due date: use different content item
- [TN-373] - Liferay: CMS should provide a way to preview email content
- [TN-531] - TNUSA Exercise & Diet: unauthenticated page implementation
- [TN-532] - TNUSA Exercise & Diet: refine navigation as need be
- [TN-571] - IRONMAN: add University of Washington site (BY 2018-01-12)
- [TN-575] - TN USA - initial queries bypass for CofW