A simple Python/Flask/Pillow/Javascript web host image kiosk.
There aren't a lot of simple self-hosted options for digital frames, so I came up with this. Minimal functionality, singular in purpose. This allows you to upload images to a folder and then view them on a rotation similar to digital frames.
The default port is 4444
Requires Flask and Pillow modules to be installed.
pip install -r requirements.txt
-- or --
pip install Flask
pip install Pillow
To view the rotating images, navigate to
http://[your server's IP]:4444/
orhttp://[your server's IP]:4444/gallery/
. -
To upload images, change the rotation timing, and manage the current images, navigate to
http://[your server's IP]:4444/upload/
My use case was leveraging an old Surface tablet, so I used these instructions to run Edge in kiosk mode to accomplish the digital frame feel: Microsoft Edge Kiosk Mode
There are four settings on the upload URL page that can adjust the timings of the app:
- Image Change Interval (seconds): This sets the duration each image is displayed.
- Gallery Refresh Interval (seconds): This sets the interval at which the system refreshes the image list for displaying, so you do not have to refresh the browser to see the new images.
- Image Width (pixels): This sets the width of image resize at upload, aspect ratio is preserved.
- Image Height (pixels): This sets the height of image resize at upload, aspect ratio is preserved.
- Rotate Images (degrees): This sets the rotation of the image. Options are 0, 90, 180, 270.