A chrome extension to auto redirect to desired django docs version. We always use a single django version for all our projects which might not be up to date with the latest version. However, whenever you open a page from django doc(after a google search), you always end up in the development version of the document. You need to select appropriate version at the bottom. This extension will always take you to thr right version of the document based on your settings.
- Downlaod the file django-doc-helper.crx
- Open Chrome
- Type chrome://extensions in the address bar
- Drag and drop the .crx file to this tab of chrome
- Click OK
- Type chrome://extensions in the address bar
- Locate the Django Doc Helper extension
- Click options
- Update the desired django version
- Click Save
###Featurees: The setiings will be saved across all synced devices.
Please submit an issue to this github repo.