This is a Generative Adversarial Network[1] written in TensorFlow
The model is trained on the dateset SVHN
to run the code, put the file train_32x32.mat
(with SVHN) in the dir data/SVHN
then run
the images generated will be put in directory gen/
The following iamges were generated by our model, first one is generated and the second one is mixing generated images with source data (the 400th batch)
The result is not stable. For example, in the 547th generation, we get a terriable image as follows
Sometimes, the two neighboring generations will have nearly no difference, this may due to being the local optimal.
On the other hand, some output of neighboring generations are very different, that maybe caused by the large stdarand deviation(10.0) of the input noise of the generator.
The SVHN dataset's distribution has a relatively large deviation, so it is hard for our network to learn it.
May exists overfitting, no idea what it will cause or how to avoid it
Rewrite the model follow WC-GAN[2], which was developed by Alec Radford etc.
All code before were moved to the directory "ignore", please ignore them because they are just something of a mess.
[1] Generative Adversial Nets, Ian J. Goodfellow etc., arxiv 1406.2661