Today I Learned
A collection of concise write-ups on small things I learn day to day across a variety of languages and technologies. These are things that don't really warrant a full blog post.
Read more about why and how I started this at:
55 TILs and counting...
You can check my TILs list here
- Safely accessing lateinit properties in Kotlin
- Constants in Kotlin
- Domain-Specific Language (DSL) using Kotlin
- Sealed Classes in Kotlin
- Inline Functions in Kotlin
- Variable Number of Arguments in Methods in Kotlin
- Launching Activities using Kotlin DSL
- The with() operator in Kotlin
- Asynchronous Calls in Koltin
- Operator Overloading in Kotlin
- Gradle Dependencies using Auto Complete with Kotlin
- Gradle Dependencies using Google's Way
- Defining Constants in Gradle
- Gradle doesn't run because it can't find tools.jar in JRE
- Publishing Your Android Kotlin/Java Library on jCenter
- Where to get AAR file of any library?
- Adding Password Protected Maven Repository URL in Gradle
- Generate Navigation Direction Classes in Kotlin with Safe Args Plugin
- This version of Android Studio cannot open this project, please retry with Android Studio x.x or newer
- Forcing any dependency to be looked in any specific repository
- Displaying the Dependency Graph of whole project
- Debugging Deep Links of Your Android App
- Difference between Build Type, Flavour, and Build Variant in Android
- Percentage Width/Height using Constraint Layout
- Go to Code Line from Logcat Output Line
- Closing All Actvities and Launching Any Specific
- Live Code Templates in Android Studio
- Adding Padding in Tabs in Android
- IntDef and StringDef in Android
- Creating Separate Modules for Debug And Release
- RecyclerView Scrolling Issue with NestedScrollView
- Add Logs without Code in Android
- Auto Sizing Text Views
- RecyclerView Item Margins and Padding
- Data Binding for Layout 🕞
- Lots of Errors in Code but Still App Runs in Android Studio
- Combining Urdu String through Data Binding
- The requireActivity() and requireContext() example
- Encrypt/Decrypt Strings in Android
- Show/Hide Password in EditText
- Converting JSONObject to HashMap<>
- Multiple Runtime Permissions in Android without any library
- Customizing the Scroll Duration of ViewPager
- Nested scrollview automatically scrolls to bottom
- Gone Margins in Constraint Layout
- Enable/Disable Swipe of ViewPager or Swipeable ViewPager
- Android Oreo or later versions not loading URLs (cleartext traffic not permitted)
- How to Simulate Android Kill Process for Your Debug Apps?
- ConcatAdapter and GridLayoutManager Span Size
- Android 12 Deep Links Not Working
- Direct Debugging on Android TVs from Android Studio
- Ripple and Clickable Conflict in Jetpack Compose
- Passing Parcelable and Other Data in Navigation Compose 🆕
Inspired by jbranchaud/til and first learned from 7 Habits I Wish Every (Junior) Programmer Should Have.
The best way you can contribute is to support the idea of keeping track of things you learned. Just create a public repo and start writing and sharing notes. This is way better than keeping them to yourself.