Selphi_dynatable 项目借鉴了 Exzeitable 项目的思想,对 Exzeitable深表感谢。Selphi_dynatable是一个动态表格组件,依赖 selphi_daisy组件库。Selphi_dynatable提供了表格常用功能,简化表格开发难度。使用Selphi_dynatable用户甚至不需要编写crud代码。用户只要提供一个基本query和model,Selphi_dynatable接管了所有任务,所有魔法发生了!
组件的样式使用 daisyUI。daisyUI是一个基于Tailwind Css 的css框架。
- 使用 selphi_daisy ,具有优美的外观
- 使用 selphi 技术栈,在后端体验现代化前端spa开发方式
- 多字段联合过滤(搜索),用户指定需要参与过滤的字段,不同类型的字段可以设置多种过滤条件,数字字段包括:==,!=,<=,>=,<,>,包含,介于。字符型字段包括:开始,结束,包含(且),包含(或) 。枚举类型,用户自定义枚举值和枚举名称。时间字段又分date,datetime,date-range,datetime-range几种类型,每种类型又有自己特定的过滤条件。输入框失去焦点,自动进行查询,不需刷新页面。
- 动态修改分页大小,自动重新计算分页,不需要刷新页面
- 动态显示隐藏字段,不需要刷新页面
- 批量操作,预设批量删除/批量导出,用户十分容易扩展自定义批量操作
- 行操作,预设 查看/编辑/删除操作,用户十分容易扩展自定义行操作
- 切换分页,不需要刷新页面
- 字段排序,不需要刷新页面
- 操作完成提示
- 每个字段都有slot,开发者可以任意开发字段的显示风格
- 关联关系,开发者可以设置,让记录预加载父对象信息
- 所有操作都不需要刷新页面,手动刷新页面后,使用默认配置重新加载页面。
- 不需要手动编写crud,组件自动实现数据库操作(crud)!!
这个包依赖 phoenix,liveview,surface,selphi_daisy。安装selphi_dynatable,修改 mix.exs
defp deps do
{:selphi_dynatable, git: ""},
本教程需要 user表和posts表。如果user表不存在
mix phx.gen.auth Accounts User users
mix deps.get
创建user migration,table和mvc各种资源
mix phx.gen.html Posts Post posts title:string content:text cover:string read_count:integer rating:float price:float user_id:integer is_lock:integer is_online:integer
创建post mvc资源
defmodule SelphiCms.Posts.Post do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
schema "posts" do
field :content, :string
field :cover, :string
field :price, :float
field :rating, :float
field :read_count, :integer
field :title, :string
field :is_lock, :integer
field :is_online, :integer
# field :user_id, :integer
belongs_to(:user, SelphiCms.Accounts.User)
@doc false
def changeset(post, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:title, :content, :cover, :read_count, :rating, :price, :user_id])
|> validate_required([:title, :content, :cover, :read_count, :rating, :price, :user_id])
def changeset_lock(post, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [ :is_lock ])
|> validate_required([:is_lock])
user 和 post为一对多关系,添加一个 changeset_lock
,在 行操作和批量操作使用
在 selphi_cms_web/live/tables
下创建 post_table.ex。它是一个liveview,可以单独使用,也可以嵌入 eex模版中使用
defmodule SelphiCmsWeb.Live.Tables.PostTable do
@moduledoc """
探索一个完整的 table liveview 的设计实现。
最终 这个liveveiw 会嵌入普通模版使用,并能动态的设置数据源,
use SelphiCmsWeb, :surface_view
alias SelphiDaisy.Form.Rating
alias SelphiDaisy.Card
alias SelphiDaisy.Card.{Body,Figure}
alias SelphiDaisy.Card.Body.{Title,Text,Action}
alias SelphiCms.Posts.Post
# 配置表格默认属性,每次'刷新'或'重定向',都会重新恢复这些初始设置。
# 这些参数保存在 assigns.params 中。
# 界面上可以动态调整这些参数,eg. 改变分页,改变分页大小,字段显示隐藏,排序,过滤等,都会自动合并到 assigns.params中!
# 每次参数变化或操作(eg. 删除),都会触发重新查询数据,数据保存在 assigns.params.list 中,记录总数保存在
# 有些操作,会自动定位到第一个分页,例如: 排序, 过滤。
use SelphiDynatable,
repo: SelphiCms.Repo,
# query: from(p in Post),
query: from(p in Post, preload: [:user]), # Post shcema中首先定义 belongs_to(:user, SelphiCms.Accounts.User)
belongs_to: :user, # Post shcema中首先定义 belongs_to(:user, SelphiCms.Accounts.User)
routes: Routes,
path: :post_path, # new show edit 跳转基地址
fields: [ # 字段设置,此处只需要配置字段的search和hedden.默认 search: true, hedden: false
id: [], # order 在 Column上配置
title: [],
content: [],
read_count: [],
rating: [] ,
price: [],
is_lock: [] ,
is_online: [] ,
user_id: [search: false, hidden: true] ,
inserted_at: []
batch_actions: [
# batch_delete batch_export 默认存在,只需扩展自定义 批处理事件
# batch_delete: %{icon: "x", label: "删除选中"},
# batch_export: %{icon: "cloud-download", label: "导出选中"},
batch_offline: %{icon: "status-offline", label: "批量下架"},
batch_lock: %{icon: "lock-closed", label: "批量锁定"}
action_buttons: [ # 至少配一项
# show edit delete 默认已实现,只需扩展自定义 "行事件", eg. 参见 lock 和 unlock的处理
# show edit delete 虽然已经实现,但是还需要在此配置,不配置,认为是不显示该按钮
# show: %{icon: "eye", label: "查看"},
edit: %{icon: "pencil-alt", label: "编辑"},
delete: %{icon: "trash", label: "删除"},
lock: %{icon: "lock-closed", label: "锁定"},
unlock: %{icon: "lock-open", label: "解锁"},
order: [{:desc, :id}], # 初始顺序,不设置 按数据库 自动顺序
per_page: 10 # 分页大小
def render(assigns) do
<div class="min-w-full mx-auto">
<div >
<Table id="live-table" check hover footer
items={ post <- assigns.params.list }
filters={assigns.params.filters || [] }
batch_actions={ assigns.params.batch_actions }
action_buttons={ assigns.params.action_buttons }
new_url={ build_new_url(assigns) }
searchable={ search_enabled?(assigns.params) }
class="table-compact sm:table-normal"
<Column title="记录ID" field="id"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :id) }
type="number" sort
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :id) } >
<Column title="标题" field="title"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :title) }
type="text" sort
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :title) } >
<div class="flex items-center space-x-3">
<Avatar size="12" mask="squircle">
<img src={ post.cover }>
<div class="font-bold">{ post.title }</div>
<div class="text-sm opacity-50">(更新于: <strong>{ post.updated_at}</strong>)</div>
<Column title="内容" field="content"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :content) } type="text"
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :content) } >
<a href="#">{ post.content }</a>
<Column title="阅读数" field="read_count"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :read_count) }
type="number" sort
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :read_count) } >
<Column title="评分" field="rating"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :rating) }
type="number" sort
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :rating) } >
<Rating id={"rating" <> } field={:rating} mask="mask-heart" bg_color="bg-green-400"
half size="sm"
[value: 1],
[value: 2, checked: true],
[value: 3],
[value: 4 ],
[value: 5 ]
]} />
<Column title="价格" field="price"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :price) }
type="number" sort
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :price) } >
{ post.price }
<Column title="锁定?" field="is_lock"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :is_lock) }
type="select" sort
options={ [{"锁定", "1"},{"正常", "0"}] }
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :is_lock) } >
{ post.is_lock }
<Column title="上架?" field="is_online"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :is_online) }
type="select" sort
options={ [{"上架", "1"},{"下架", "0"}] }
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :is_online) } >
{ post.is_online }
<Column title="作者" field="user_id"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :user_id) }
type="number" sort
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :user_id) } >
{!-- { post.user_id } --}
{!-- 获取记录对应的父记录,此处是 user,使用 card 显示 --}
{#if user=parent_for(post, assigns.params) }
{ }
<Dropdown pop_pos="end" >
<Label class="btn-circle btn-ghost btn-xs text-info-content">
<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="w-4 h-4 stroke-current"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M13 16h-1v-4h-1m1-4h.01M21 12a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z"></path></svg>
{!-- 手动添加 dropdown-content --}
<Card color="secondary" class="dropdown-content w-80" opts={tabindex: "0"}>
<Title title={} />
{#else} {!-- 父记录不存在,可能是数据有误! --}
<span> { post.user_id }</span>
<Column title="发行时间" field="inserted_at"
hide={ get_field_hidden(assigns, :inserted_at) }
{!-- type="datetime" --}
{!-- type="date" --} {!-- 尝试把 datetime 和 date 进行比较 --}
{!-- type="datetime-range" --}
search={ get_field_search(assigns, :inserted_at) }
<Column title="操作" virtual >
<Button class="btn btn-outline btn-primary btn-xs">查看</Button>
<Button class="btn btn-outline btn-secondary btn-xs">编辑</Button>
<Button class="btn btn-outline btn-accent btn-xs">删除</Button>
<Dropdown pop_pos="left" type="hover" >
<Label class="btn-primary btn-sm btn-outline">
<Heroicons name="dots-horizontal" size="5" />
<Menu class="dropdown-content p-0 shadow-xl rounded-box w-56" >
{#for { key, row_action } <- assigns.params.action_buttons }
<Item hover_bordered >
{#case key }
{#match :delete}
<a href="#" phx-click={to_string(key)} phx-value-id={} data-confirm= "Are you delete?" >
<Heroicons name={ row_action.icon } /> {row_action.label }
{#match :show}
<a href={ build_show_url(assigns , ) } >
<Heroicons name={ row_action.icon } /> {row_action.label }
{#match :edit}
<a href={ build_edit_url(assigns, ) } >
<Heroicons name={ row_action.icon } /> {row_action.label }
{#match _}
<a href="#" phx-click={to_string(key)} phx-value-id={} >
<Heroicons name={ row_action.icon } /> {row_action.label }
{!-- 分页 --}
<div class="my-5">
<Pagination id="pagination" size="sm"
pg_size={ assigns.params.per_page } />
######## 自定义 批处理事件 bgn ########
# 首先在 batch_actions 中 定义了 batch_offline 事件
# batch_actions: [
# batch_offline: %{icon: "status-offline", label: "批量下架"},
# batch_lock: %{icon: "lock-closed", label: "批量锁定"}
# ],
# 收到消息格式 message = %{"ids" => "28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,"}
def handle_event("batch_offline", %{"ids" => ids } = message ,
%{assigns: %{params: %Params{query: query, repo: repo } = params} } = socket) do
IO.puts "收到 batch_offline 事件!"
IO.inspect message
# 去掉尾部的 "," 号
ids = String.trim_trailing(ids,",")
# 转化为 list,eg.["3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9"]
id_list = String.split(ids, ",")
# 更新时,必须去掉 预加载的 关系!!
{count, _ } =
from( q in exclude(query, :preload ), where: in ^id_list )
|> repo.update_all(set: [is_online: 0])
socket =
|> put_flash( :info, "下架#{count}项记录成功!")
|> assign_params(:total, Database.get_record_count(params) )
|> assign_params(:list, Database.get_records(params))
{:noreply, socket }
# %{"ids" => "28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,"}
def handle_event("batch_lock", %{"ids" => ids } = message ,
%{assigns: %{params: %Params{query: query, repo: repo } = params} } = socket) do
IO.puts "收到 batch_lock 事件!"
IO.inspect message
# 去掉尾部的 "," 号
ids = String.trim_trailing(ids,",")
# 转化为 list,eg.["3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9"]
id_list = String.split(ids, ",")
# 更新时,必须去掉 预加载的 关系!!
{count, _ } =
from( q in exclude(query, :preload ), where: in ^id_list )
|> repo.update_all(set: [is_lock: 1])
socket =
|> put_flash( :info, "锁定#{count}项记录成功!")
|> assign_params(:total, Database.get_record_count(params) )
|> assign_params(:list, Database.get_records(params))
{:noreply, socket }
######## 自定义 批处理事件 end ########
######## 自定义行事件 bgn ########
# 首先在 action_buttons 中定义 lock 事件
# action_buttons: [ # 至少配一项
# ...
# lock: %{icon: "lock-closed", label: "锁定"},
# unlock: %{icon: "lock-open", label: "解锁"},
# ],
def handle_event("lock", %{"id" => id} = message ,
%{assigns: %{params: %Params{query: query, repo: repo } = params} } =socket ) do
IO.puts "收到 lock 事件!"
IO.inspect message
# 更新时,必须去掉 预加载的 关系!!
post = repo.get!( exclude(query, :preload ) , String.to_integer(id))
changeset =
|> Post.changeset_lock(%{is_lock: 1})
socket =
case repo.update(changeset) do
{:ok, struct} -> # Updated with success
|> put_flash( :info, "锁定记录#{id}成功!")
|> assign_params(:total, Database.get_record_count(params) )
|> assign_params(:list, Database.get_records(params))
{:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
|> put_flash( :error, "锁定记录#{id}失败!")
{:noreply, socket }
def handle_event("unlock", %{"id" => id} = message ,
%{assigns: %{params: %Params{query: query, repo: repo } = params} } =socket ) do
IO.puts "收到 unlock 事件!"
IO.inspect message
# 跟新时,必须去掉 预加载的 关系!!
post = repo.get!( exclude(query, :preload ) , String.to_integer(id))
changeset =
|> Post.changeset_lock(%{is_lock: 0})
socket =
case repo.update(changeset) do
{:ok, struct} -> # Updated with success
|> put_flash( :info, "解锁记录#{id}成功!")
|> assign_params(:total, Database.get_record_count(params) )
|> assign_params(:list, Database.get_records(params))
{:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
|> put_flash( :error, "解锁记录#{id}失败!")
{:noreply, socket }
######## 自定义行事件 bgn ########
defmodule SelphiCmsWeb.Router do
use SelphiCmsWeb, :router
scope "/", SelphiCmsWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :index
resources "/posts", PostController
# 测试 live table
live "/live-posts", Live.Tables.PostTable
<h1>Listing Posts</h1>
<%= SelphiCmsWeb.Live.Tables.PostTable.live_table(@conn) %>
# Script for populating the database. You can run it as:
# mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
# Inside the script, you can read and write to any of your
# repositories directly:
# SelphiCms.Repo.insert!(%SelphiCms.SomeSchema{})
# We recommend using the bang functions (`insert!`, `update!`
# and so on) as they will fail if something goes wrong.
alias SelphiCms.Repo
alias SelphiCms.Accounts.User
alias SelphiCms.Posts.Post
%User{email: "[email protected]", hashed_password: "12345678"},
%User{email: "[email protected]", hashed_password: "12345678"},
%User{email: "[email protected]", hashed_password: "12345678"},
%User{email: "[email protected]", hashed_password: "12345678"},
%User{email: "[email protected]", hashed_password: "12345678"},
%User{email: "[email protected]", hashed_password: "12345678"},
%User{email: "[email protected]", hashed_password: "12345678"},
%User{email: "[email protected]", hashed_password: "12345678"},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 1", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 1", read_count: 100, rating: 4.5, price: 5.0, user_id: 1, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 2", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 2", read_count: 200, rating: 5.0, price: 16.30, user_id: 1, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 3", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 3", read_count: 300, rating: 3.0, price: 26.30, user_id: 1, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 4", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 4", read_count: 500, rating: 3.5, price: 36.30, user_id: 1, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 5", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 5", read_count: 40, rating: 2.0, price: 46.30, user_id: 1, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 6", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 6", read_count: 100, rating: 4.5, price: 5.0, user_id: 2, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 7", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 7", read_count: 200, rating: 5.0, price: 16.30, user_id: 2, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 8", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 8", read_count: 300, rating: 3.0, price: 26.30, user_id: 2, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 9", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 9", read_count: 500, rating: 3.5, price: 36.30, user_id: 2, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 10", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 10", read_count: 40, rating: 2.0, price: 46.30, user_id: 2, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 11", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 11", read_count: 100, rating: 4.5, price: 5.0, user_id: 3, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 12", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 12", read_count: 200, rating: 5.0, price: 16.30, user_id: 3, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 13", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 13", read_count: 300, rating: 3.0, price: 26.30, user_id: 3, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 14", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 14", read_count: 500, rating: 3.5, price: 36.30, user_id: 3, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 15", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 15", read_count: 40, rating: 2.0, price: 46.30, user_id: 3, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 16", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 16", read_count: 100, rating: 4.5, price: 5.0, user_id: 4, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 17", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 17", read_count: 200, rating: 5.0, price: 16.30, user_id: 4, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 18", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 18", read_count: 300, rating: 3.0, price: 26.30, user_id: 4, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 19", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 19", read_count: 500, rating: 3.5, price: 36.30, user_id: 4, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 20", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 20", read_count: 40, rating: 2.0, price: 46.30, user_id: 4, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 21", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 21", read_count: 300, rating: 3.0, price: 26.30, user_id: 5, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 22", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 22", read_count: 500, rating: 3.5, price: 36.30, user_id: 5, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 23", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 23", read_count: 40, rating: 2.0, price: 46.30, user_id: 5, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 24", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 24", read_count: 100, rating: 4.5, price: 5.0, user_id: 6, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 25", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 25", read_count: 200, rating: 5.0, price: 16.30, user_id: 6, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 26", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 26", read_count: 300, rating: 3.0, price: 26.30, user_id: 6, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 27", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 27", read_count: 500, rating: 3.5, price: 36.30, user_id: 7, cover: ""},
%Post{is_lock: 0, is_online: 1, title: "Post 28", content: "THIS IS CONTENT 28", read_count: 40, rating: 2.0, price: 46.30, user_id: 7, cover: ""},
执行 mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
访问 localhost:4000/post
和 localhost:4000/live-posts