npm install
- Run
acting as an asset server with hot module replacement enabled on port 5000:
npm run dev-server
- Run an HTTP server on port 5001. This is going to handle your back-end application (e.g. Rails). We have opted for http-server.
npm start
- Open http://localhost:5001 in your browser. If you are on OS X you can run:
npm run browse
Make a change in any of your scripts or stylesheets - you should see these changes applied in the browser instantaneously.
Once finished modifying files, get Webpack to compile the bundle(s) into the filesystem.
npm run build
We use Mocha, Chai and
React's TestUtils
npm test
We use ESLint for JavaScript code style and syntax validation.
npm run lint
We use Istanbul for unit test code coverage reports. But because Istanbul does not currently understand the ECMAScript 6 syntax, we use a tool bridging these two technologies called Isparta. This extension allows us to generate reports for the actual ES6 source, not the ES5-compatible code "transpiled" by Babel.
The actual integration of Isparta with the Karma tests runner is done via a Webpack pre-loader. We have opted for a pre-loader instead of a loaded to clearly separate the coverage generation from other actions that involve various source code transformations. This is 100% arbitrary and the coverage reporter might as well be included in the subsequent loaders step.
As we have now introduced a React component that depends on the DOM's
object, you won't be able to run the application directly
from command line (at least in the current configuration).
npm run clean
This will remove contents of dist
and tmp/coverage/javascript