SlackChatter is a simple-to-use Slack API wrapper for ruby which makes it quick and easy to constantly annoy your friends, co-workers, and loved ones with waaayyyyy to many process status updates. It provides easy-access to all of the functionallity supported by the Slack Api with the following exceptions:
- Real-Time Messaging (These are currently in the works and should be available between 0 and 10000000 years from now or at request!)
Release Notes:
- 0.9.0 - Added File uploading
- 0.8.5 - Stable bug-free version
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'slack_chatter'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install slack_chatter
To use this client you will need a slack api access token which can be found here
client ="slack-api-token")
opts = {:icon_url => ""}
client ="slack-api-token", opts)
opts = {:username => "slack_chatter"}
client ="slack-api-token", opts)
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, args={"token"=>"xoxp-4114452838-4114452844-6031365557-2cc510"}, response=#<HTTParty::Response:0x7fed152c6c08 ...>, code=200>
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, args={"token"=>"xoxp-4114452838-4114452844-6031365557-2cc510"}, response=#<HTTParty::Response:0x7fed152c6c08 ...>, code=200>
The api methods follow the following format
client.method_namespace.action(required, arguments, {optional: arguments})
# Example:"some-channel-id", "some message to post", {optional_param: 'and its value'})
These methods directly correspond to those found in the Slack API Docs
NOTE: Not all methods accept an options hash. However, all methods with optional parameters do accept one.
response = client.channels.list
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, channels=[...], code=200>
=> true
=> 200
=> channels [
"value"=>"This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel.",
response = client.channels.find_by_name("wiggle-room")
=> {
channel_id = response["id"]
=> "C06817EC8"
response = client.channels.create("new channel name")
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, channel={"id"=>"C0680SVU2", ...}, code=200>
channel_id =["id"]
=> "C0680SVU2"
response = client.channels.join("wiggle-room")
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, channel={"id"=>"C06817EC8", "name"=>"wiggle-room", "is_channel"=>true, "created"=>1434045083, "creator"=>"U043CDAQU", "is_archived"=>false, "is_general"=>false, "is_member"=>true, "last_read"=>"1434045087.000003", "latest"=>{"user"=>"U043CDAQU", "type"=>"message", "subtype"=>"channel_leave", "text"=>"<@U043CDAQU|sly_fox> has left the channel", "ts"=>"1434045087.000003"}, "unread_count"=>0, "unread_count_display"=>0, "members"=>["U043CDAQU"], "topic"=>{"value"=>"", "creator"=>"", "last_set"=>0}, "purpose"=>{"value"=>"", "creator"=>"", "last_set"=>0}}, code=200>
response = client.channels.history(channel_id)
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, latest="1434027718", messages=[...], has_more=false, code=200, success?=true>
- latest: End of time range of messages to include in results
- oldest: Start of time range of messages to include in results
- inclusive: Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results (use 0 or 1 for boolean values)
- count: Number of messages to return, between 1 and 1000
Note: For all timestamps you must use epoch time, so for any Date, Time, or DateTime object you want to use as an argument use #to_i on it
( - 5.hours).to_i
=> 1434027718 # epoch
response = client.channels.invite(channel_id, user_id)
response = client.channels.kick(channel_id, user_id)
response = client.channels.leave(channel_id)
Used for tracking read position
response = client.channels.mark(channel_id)
response = client.channels.rename(channel_id, "new_name")
response = client.channels.leave(channel_id, "Dogs acting like cats")
response = client.channels.leave(channel_id, "Post adorable videos")
response = client.channels.archive(channel_id)
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
response = client.channels.unarchive(channel_id)
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
response =, "I am a robot: beep boop boop beep")
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, channel="C0680SVU2", ts="1434044883.000003", message={"text"=>"I am a robot: beep boop boop beep", "username"=>"bot", "type"=>"message", "subtype"=>"bot_message", "ts"=>"1434044883.000003"}, code=200>
message = response.message
=> {
"text"=>"I am a robot: beep boop boop beep",
response =["ts"], channel_id, "Just kidding, not a robot")
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
response =["ts"], channel_id)
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
Groups has the same methods that Channels has, with the exception that you cannot join a group (you must be invited) and it has the following additional methods:
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
This method takes an existing private group and performs the following steps:
- Renames the existing group (from "example" to "example-archived").
- Archives the existing group.
- Creates a new group with the name of the existing group.
- Adds all members of the existing group to the new group.
- This is useful when inviting a new member to an existing group while hiding all previous chat history from them. In this scenario you can call groups.createChild followed by groups.invite.
The new group will have a special parent_group property pointing to the original archived group. This will only be returned for members of both groups, so will not be visible to any newly invited members.
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
This method opens a direct message channel with another member of your Slack team.
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
response =, opts_hash)
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, latest="1434027718", messages=[...], has_more=false, code=200>
- latest: epoch_timestamp - End of time range of messages to include in results
- oldest: epoch_timestamp Start of time range of messages to include in results
- inclusive: 0 or 1 - Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results (use 0 or 1 for all boolean values)
- count: integer - Number of messages to return, between 1 and 1000
Note: For all timestamps you must use epoch time, so for any Date, Time, or DateTime object you want to use as an argument use #to_i on it
( - 5.hours).to_i
=> 1434027718 # epoch
response =
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, latest="1434027718", channels=[...], has_more=false, code=200>
This method closes a direct message channel with another member of your Slack team.
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, response=#<HTTPARTY::RESPONSE:0x7fed1528eba0 ...>, code=200>
Used for tracking read position
response =
response = client.files.delete(file_id)
response =, options)
- count: integer - Number of items to return
- page: integer - Page number of results to return
The file object contains information about the uploaded file.
Each comment object in the comments array contains details about a single comment. Comments are returned oldest first.
The paging information contains the count of comments returned, the total number of comments, the page of results returned in this response and the total number of pages available.
response = client.files.list(options)
- user: user_id - Filter files created by a single user
- ts_from: epoch_timestamp - Filter files created after this timestamp (inclusive)
- ts_to: epoch_timestamp - Filter files created before this timestamp (inclusive)
- types: Filter files by type, one or more of the following values ie, ["images", "zips"] or "gdocs"
- all - All files
- posts - Posts
- snippets - Snippets
- images - Image files
- gdocs - Google docs
- zips - Zip files
- pdfs - PDF files
- count: integer - Number of items to return per page
- page: integer - Page number of results to return
response = client.files.upload({file: "../robot.png"})
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, file={
"url_private_download"=>"", "thumb_64"=>"",
}, response=#<HTTParty::Response:0x1016d4a50 ...}>, code=200>
response ="robot")
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, query="robot", messages={...}, "files"=>{...}}, response=#<HTTParty::Response:0x7fed152b9148 ...>, code=200>
=> {
"text"=>"I am a robot: beep boop boop beep", "channel"=>{
- sort: "score" or "timestamp" - Return matches sorted by either score or timestamp.
- sort_dir: "asc" or "desc" - Sort direction
- highlight: 1 - Pass a value of 1 to enable query highlight markers more info here.
- count: integer - Number of results to return per page
- page: integer - Page number of results to return
response ="robot")
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, query="robot", messages={...}, "files"=>{...}}, response=#<HTTParty::Response:0x7fed152b9148 ...>, code=200>
- sort: "score" or "timestamp" - Return matches sorted by either score or timestamp.
- sort_dir: "asc" or "desc" - Sort direction
- highlight: 1 - Pass a value of 1 to enable query highlight markers more info here.
- count: integer - Number of results to return per page
- page: integer - Page number of results to return
response ="robot")
=> #<SlackChatter::Response ok=true, query="robot", messages={...}, "files"=>{...}}, response=#<HTTParty::Response:0x7fed152b9148 ...>, code=200>
- sort: "score" or "timestamp" - Return matches sorted by either score or timestamp.
- sort_dir: "asc" or "desc" - Sort direction
- highlight: 1 - Pass a value of 1 to enable query highlight markers more info here.
- count: integer - Number of results to return per page
- page: integer - Page number of results to return
response = client.stars.list(options)
- user: user_id
- count: integer - number of items to return per page
- page: integer - page number of results to return
response =
- count: integer - number of items to return per page
- page: integer - page number of results to return
response =
response = client.users.get_presence(user_id)
response =
response = client.users.list
response = client.users.set_active
response = client.users.set_presence("away") # Either "auto" or "away"
response = client.emoji.list
This method allows you to exchange a temporary OAuth code for an API access token. This is used as part of the OAuth authentication flow.
respone = client.oauth.access(client_id, client_secret, code, options)
- redirect_uri: url - This must match the originally submitted URI (if one was sent).
- Fork it ([my-github-username]/slack_chatter/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request