Releases: wizelineacademy/itesm-socioformador-ago-dec-2023-team-02
Releases · wizelineacademy/itesm-socioformador-ago-dec-2023-team-02
1.0.0 (2023-11-27)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 cicd.yml hotfix pm2 stop (a27bf65)
- 🐛 Conversation initializes with global parameters (49e0f55)
- 🐛 Disabled buttons when creating or editing tag (76b6808)
- 🐛 Disabled create button after being pressed (19b15c2)
- 🐛 Fix error occurring when the num of creds is 0 (a98440f)
- 🐛 Fix errors due to standards in chat-component (0272527)
- 🐛 Fix failure to update conversation tags after editing (56a435a)
- 🐛 Fix filtering of conversations by tags (b04cb70)
- 🐛 Fix non-functional clear button in SearchBar (193daf7)
- 🐛 Fix unwanted partial hiding of the conversation sidebar (df564ac)
- 🐛 Fixed button text (fcf2539)
- 🐛 Fixed conversation body with on screen (eb5fa9f)
- 🐛 fixed conversation imports (953d462)
- 🐛 fixed deploy cicd node_modules path (2a7b169)
- 🐛 Fixed ESLint errors (41c7095)
- 🐛 Fixed ESLint errors, types, and dependencies to prebuild (b91006f)
- 🐛 Fixed estandards con demo (09ce39b)
- 🐛 Fixed lint warnings (a20622d)
- 🐛 Fixed pnpm lock dependency (02ea05c)
- 🐛 fixed style (2f33d5f)
- 🐛 Fixed TS and ESLint errors (6b10bae)
- 🐛 Fixes lack of synchronicity between tag menus in the app (eab82af)
- 🐛 Make minor linter-guided modifications (74a2e76)
- 🐛 messages are always returned from oldes to newest (48514e5)
- 🐛 messages can be saved and retrieved (ab083fa)
- 🐛 modelName is passed to api route (ab7315f)
- 🐛 Prevent double reduction of credits in same operation (7dfa38d)
- 🐛 Remove unwanted resetting of conversation titles (1642e26)
- 🐛 Removed userId passed value from conversation sidebar (3831599)
- 🐛 Update release.yaml (391c22e)
- 🐛 Updated release.yml env path (da5f9ec)
- 🐛 Working development (eff0de2)
- 🎸 Added a spinner while a response is being generated (222bd78)
- 🎸 Added input string trimming to remove unnecesary ws (7ea92b4)
- 🎸 added placement to single selection list (ea0974f)
- 🎸 Adds newly created user to all wizeliners group (3e53233)
- 🎸 Auth needed to use the user routes (d2c24d9)
- 🎸 Created and applied method to get users not in group (e8d8754)
- 🎸 Created handle to get user id (7ae1bd2)
- 🎸 Created methods for conversation withuser auth0 id (df652fa)
- 🎸 inyected custom instructions (abb7d4d)
- 🎸 Setup project (8fc3c78)
- 🎸 User layout and UI components with login using Auth0 (dd0c86b), closes #37 #11
- app: Created a file (fa9efd6)
- create-turbo: apply official-starter transform (0f07c70)
- create-turbo: apply pnpm-eslint transform (be6d028)
- create-turbo: install dependencies (2a9b056)