Iso-seq data analysis tools, including predict polycistronic transcript, find full length chemic reads,adjest fusion genes #2022.2.7 #version1 Make sure the following software is installed before running the program:
python versionn 3
conda install -c bioconda gmap
conda install -c bioconda cufflinks
conda install -c bioconda transdecoder
conda install -c bioconda gffcompare
conda install -c bioconda blat
################################################################################ example commandline 1
python -percent 50.0 -gtf ./test.gtf -ref ./ref.gff3 -genome ./genome.fa --out ./test/
the polycistronic transcript coverage CDS of reference gff3 file. This option is used to filter out false positive results with low overlap.
the gtf file generated by ToFu
the gff3 file for reference annotation
the genome fasta file
outputdir please note the outpudir must endwith '/'
final output file name 'Final-predict-result.txt'
################################################################################ example commandline 2
python -percent 50 -fasta ./test.fasta -genome ./genome.fa -o ./test/
the full length chimeric sequences coverage itself. This option is used to filter out false positive results with low overlap.
the genome fasta file
the fasta file for filter full length chimeric sequences. you can use 'gffread(cufflinks)' obtained from gtf file.
outputdir please note the outpudir must endwith '/'
final output file name 'Final-File-Filter.fasta' ################################################################################ example commandline 3
python -gtf ./gtf -ref ./ref.gff3 -o ./test/
the gtf file generated by ToFu
the gff3/gtf file for reference annotation
outputdir please note the outpudir must endwith '/'
final output file name 'Final-adjacent-transcript-list.txt'