Dokumentasi Bahasa Indonesia
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Aplikasi Pemilihan Ketua osis online berbasis web. Website ini dibuat dengan laravel 10.10 (PHP 8.1), vuejs 2 cdn, Axios cdn, dengan template ADMIN LTE (Dashboard admin). VOTING OSIS memiliki fitur sebagai berikut:
- Terdapat Fitur upload pemilih (siswa) dengan file Excel yang format templatenya sudah disediakan tanpa ribet harus input 1 per 1 siswa
- Terdapat juga Fitur Edit web seperti nama web, title web, waktu hitung mundur, dan masih banyak lagi
Untuk Menginstall Secara Lokal Pastikan PHP anda diatas sama dengan atau > 8.1
- Clone Repository ini Diterminal kesayangan anda
git clone
- Ketikan
composer install
- Rename .env-lokal menjadi .env dan edit sesuai konfigurasi database anda
- Buat database pada dbms anda (ex: phpmyadmin) dengan nama sesuai konfigurasi DB_DATABASE pada .env
- Migrate databasenya :
php artisan migrate
- Jalankan Seeder database :
php artisan db:seed
Jalankan Diterminal
php artisan optimize:clear
danphp artisan serve
opsi selain jika tidak ingin menjalankan migrate database dan seeder:
- File SQL terletak pada folder DB VOTING , import file SQL yang ada kedalam Database yang anda buat pada dbms anda (contoh dbms: phpmyadmin, navicat, dll).
- Misal anda memakai PhpMyadmin, buat database baru dengan nama voting_osis, jika sudah dibuat, lalu upload/import file sql yang teletak di Folder DB VOTING tersebut.
- U: admin
- P: 12345678
Traktir kopi agar melek terus saat ngoding :
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Documentation in English
Web-based online osis chairman election application. This website is made with laravel 10.10 (PHP 8.1), vuejs 2 cdn, Axios cdn, with LTE ADMIN template (Dashboard admin). Student Council VOTING has the following features:
- There is a feature to upload voters (students) with Excel files whose template format has been provided without the hassle of having to input 1 by 1 students.
- There are also web editing features such as web name, web title, countdown time, and many more
To Install Locally Make sure your PHP above is equal to or > 8.1
- Clone this Repository in your favorite terminal
git clone
- Type in the terminal
composer install
- Rename .env-lokal to .env and edit according to your database configuration
- Create a database on your dbms (ex: phpmyadmin) with the name according to the configuration DB_DATABASE in the .env
- Migrate database :
php artisan migrate
- Run the Seeder database :
php artisan db:seed
Run in Terminal
php artisan optimize:clear
ANDphp artisan serve
option if you do not want to run the database migrate and seeder:
- The SQL file is located in the DB VOTING folder, import the existing SQL file into the Database that you created on your dbms (example dbms: phpmyadmin, navicat, etc.).
- For example, if you use PhpMyadmin, create a new database with the name voting_osis, if it has been created, then upload/import the sql file located in the DB VOTING Folder.
- U: admin
- P: 12345678
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.